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21 May 2008, 8:18 pm
In Part V of the series on the future of law and economics (Parts I, II, III, and IV), Henry Manne graciously offered a reply to my thoughts on where L&E might be headed and why. [read post]
21 Feb 2007, 11:10 am
Put to one side your views about whether the Philip Morris v. [read post]
17 Jun 2011, 5:46 am by Mark Zamora
My distraction for today, along with some helpful suggestions for trial (towards the end):  In the grand scheme of things, I suppose that what some folks say about the Rakofsky v. [read post]
2 Apr 2017, 5:40 pm by Omar Ha-Redeye
As you might expect, the lawyer was unsuccessful on his appeal in Green v. [read post]
1 May 2014, 10:48 am by Guest Blogger
  That is, we can do things today that make things more or less likely to happen in the future—or at least that we reasonably guess will have those effects. [read post]
31 Aug 2015, 1:47 am
It's all Greek, but opposition succeeds in the endCase T‑521/13 Alpinestars Research Srl v OHIM, Kean Tung Cho and Ling-Yuan Wang Yu is a grand old General Court scrap in which everyone guesses how modern Greek consumers might view a word that orginated from Classical Greek. [read post]