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26 Oct 2010, 10:25 pm by IP Dragon
There will be a consultation to expand the scope of plant varieties in China to include fruit as well.- (IV) Examination and cooperation- (V) Industry cooperation, in the patent and trademark industries.- (VI) Authentication Service; copyrighted works needed to be first certified in Hong Kong. [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 4:14 am by Emma Snell
The lower house, the State Duma, yesterday voted unanimously to authorize the illegal annexation, Russia’s state-run TASS news agency reported. [read post]
18 Jul 2022, 2:46 pm by Kevin LaCroix
The derivative action pursued by ClientEarth is also a continuation of other recent shareholder actions it has launched in other jurisdictions,  including a shareholder action against the Polish power industry company Enea SA, which resulted in the Polish Court finding that the resolution authorizing the construction of a new coal-fired power plant was legally invalid. [read post]
28 Sep 2010, 2:59 am
 Upon ingestion, the spores leave their dormant state and become active in the intestines. [read post]
1 Oct 2009, 5:48 pm by admin
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held in State of Connecticut v. [read post]
7 Nov 2008, 3:57 am
(IP Spotlight) (Excess copyright) (Patent Docs) (Spicy IP) (IAM) (Patent Baristas) (Intellectual Property Watch) CAFC greatly limits software and business method patents: In re Bilksi (IP Law Observer) (Chicago IP Litigation Blog) (IP Spotlight) (The Prior Art) (Patent Baristas) (EFF) (Patent Prospector) (Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property) (Philip Brooks' Patent Infringement Updates) (Maryland Intellectual Property Law Blog) (IP Updates) (Daily Dose of IP) (PLI) (Green Patent… [read post]
4 Oct 2024, 5:07 am by Beatrice Yahia
The claim follows a 2019 report that Israel planted devices near the Trump White House and spied on Washington. [read post]
29 Jan 2010, 1:30 pm by WIMS
And that means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. [read post]
6 Jan 2022, 6:31 am by Don Asher
  Employers may be found liable under state workers’ compensation established by Indiana and Illinois law. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 10:29 am by Thomas G. Southard
The availability of an injunctive remedy as a matter of right to a prevailing complainant in a Section 337 action has made the International Trade Commission (“ITC”) an extremely desirable venue in the wake of eBay v. [read post]
9 May 2008, 10:30 pm
: (Afro-IP), (Managing Intellectual Property), Rwanda: Four years after AIDS drugs bill passed, first low cost meds may head to Rwanda: (GenericsWeb), US: Abbott’s first quarter lobbying tab hits $880,000: (Patent Docs), US: House Bill would expand federal drug pedigree requirements and preempt state requirements: (FDA Law Blog), US: Purchasing Canadian drugs and patent infringement: Litecubes decision: (Patently-O), US: Neuralstem seeks to reopen stayed patent… [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 6:55 am by Steven M. Taber
SUMMARY: The EPA has authorized the United States Department of Justice (‘‘DOJ’’) to disclose, in response to discovery requests received in the litigation styled, Tronox Incorporated, et al., v. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 6:55 am by Steven M. Taber
SUMMARY: The EPA has authorized the United States Department of Justice (‘‘DOJ’’) to disclose, in response to discovery requests received in the litigation styled, Tronox Incorporated, et al., v. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 6:55 am by Steven M. Taber
SUMMARY: The EPA has authorized the United States Department of Justice (‘‘DOJ’’) to disclose, in response to discovery requests received in the litigation styled, Tronox Incorporated, et al., v. [read post]