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19 May 2017, 3:05 am by Robin Shea
Jillian Rogers, a spokesperson for the Labor Department, neither confirmed nor denied whether the merger will be in DOL’s budget. [read post]
23 Oct 2009, 1:52 pm by Editor
You can follow many of the hosts of Blawg Review on Twitter.Evan Schaeffer @eshaeff Ron Coleman @roncoleman Gordon Smith @gs_ Jeremy Richey @jeremyrichey Mike Cernovich @Cerno Evan Brown @internetcases Al Nye @AlanNye Kevin Heller @kevinhell George Lenard @employmentblawg Enrico Schaefer @Enrico1999 Monica Bay @commonscold Stephen Albainy-Jenei @patentbaristas Carolyn Elefant @carolynelefant Dave Gulbransen @dgulbran Tom Mighell @tommighell Craig Williams @jcraigwilliams Denise Howell @dhowell… [read post]
13 Jan 2012, 8:46 am by But I Do Have a Law Degree
 I am forcing myself to do Jillian Michaels DVDs. [read post]
17 Mar 2011, 5:54 am by Vado Porro
 Or I would walk a mile and then decide to come home and top it off with a workout, either a DVD (my favorite is Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred, available on Amazon for only $8), or just a simple weight routine. [read post]
18 Apr 2016, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
” [National Review editorial] Lefty foundations funded investigative report that kicked off the prosecute-climate-deniers push, and even funded the group that then gave an award to that ostensibly independent report [Jon Henke, earlier on Columbia School of Journalism role here and here; Jillian Kay Melchior on Inside Climate News] Grand public announcement by attorneys general and former Vice President Al Gore made no mention of huddles with Rockefeller philanthropies that led up… [read post]
18 Feb 2012, 6:36 pm by TDot
From left to right: Associate Coach Jessica Major '09, Head Coach Clayton Jones '03, Me, Deyaska Spencer '13, Robert Brooks '12, Jillian Mack '12, Nikia Williams '13, Omari Crawford '13. [read post]
3 Sep 2008, 4:14 am
"When they get involved, it's always a question of the methods involved," Gummerson said.The organization once partnered with Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator," and claims on its Web site to have helped law enforcement garner 291 convictions nationwide since June 2004. ..News Source.. by JILLIAN DUCHNOWSKISex Offender Issues, Research and the Truth from eAdvocate [read post]
5 Feb 2017, 6:07 am
These payments are known as restitution.A longtime friend of mine and customer of Soul Fire Farm, Jillian Faison works as an attorney for Albany County. [read post]
30 Mar 2016, 11:00 am by Emily Prifogle
 As Jillian noted, these examples complicated the historiographical binary between productive and reproductive labor, giving even “turtle races” a radical meaning. [read post]
18 Jun 2015, 8:31 am
In the coming months, we may even see more direct evidence of this through crowdsourced reports at, an alpha-stage project co-founded by EFF Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York. [read post]
24 Nov 2023, 7:41 am by Jillian C. York
Yours sincerely, Brett Solomon, Executive Director, Access Now Ahmed Samih Farag, General Director, Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies Quinn McKew, Executive Director, ARTICLE 19 Bahey eldin Hassan, Director, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) Jodie Ginsberg, President, Committee to Protect Journalists Sayed Nasr, Executive Director, EgyptWide for Human Rights Ahmed Attalla, Executive Director, Egyptian Front for Human Rights Samar Elhusseiny, Programs Officer,… [read post]
20 Sep 2013, 8:43 am by Katherine McCoy
By Jillian Marullo House Bill 788, signed into law on June 14, 2013, authorizes the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) to regulate emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases (“GHG”) “[t]o the extent that greenhouse gas emissions require authorization under federal law. [read post]
16 Dec 2024, 8:32 am by Jillian C. York
For instance, last year Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian C. [read post]
12 Jun 2019, 7:03 am by Karen Gullo
“Our goal in publishing Who Has Your Back is to inform users about how transparent social media companies are about content removal and encourage improved content moderation practices across the industry,” said EFF Director of International Free Expression Jillian York. [read post]
27 Jul 2023, 5:43 am by Sherica Celine
” 85% of respondents save up to four hours a week using Lexis+ “Lexis+ covers a heavy number of unpublished opinions not located on other research platforms,” said Jillian Eaton, librarian at Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC. [read post]