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2 Jun 2008, 7:24 am
UPDATE: Marty Lederman has this interesting post, titled "The Santos Resolution (?) [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 9:37 am
Marty Lederman links to Part 1 and Part 2 and discusses the memo. [read post]
12 Oct 2024, 4:44 am
Legal Objections to ICC Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, Part I by Marty Lederman (@marty_lederman) United Nations What the UN’s Summit of the Future Can Teach Us – When the Dust Settles by Jordan Street (@jordan_street07) 2024 Presidential Election / Litigation Top 10 Election Litigation Cases in 2024 Implicating the Rule of Law by Norman L. [read post]
18 May 2007, 12:08 pm
Marty Lederman, also a former attorney at the Office of Legal Counsel, pulls apart Kmiec's argument and suggests that the reason the White House wanted the signature so badly was to keep participating telcos from balking at helping the government's spy efforts. [read post]
23 Sep 2014, 5:16 am
” Briefly: The American Constitution Society recently hosted a preview (video here) of the October Term 2014, featuring (among others) Marty Lederman, who also sometimes contributes to this blog. [read post]
22 Feb 2008, 4:01 pm
I think the best coverage on the torture memos has been that of law profs Jack Balkin and Marty Lederman at Balkanization -- Their writings through the fall of 2007 are accessible here. [read post]
19 Aug 2016, 7:38 am
” In another post (podcast) at the Fed Soc Blog, Thomas Berg, Christopher Lund, and Marty Lederman discuss Trinity Lutheran Church v. [read post]
4 Sep 2007, 3:00 am
First, in the category of trust in society, the economy and politics, look at Marty Lederman's frightening discussion of The Rosetta Stone of the Detention/Interrogation Scandal, in which he explores the role trust plays in the interrogation of prisoners.Next, Tiffany offers what she unabashedly calls a "political rant" about the recent Lead in the Children's toys events.Annalee Hewitz explores issues of anonymity and trust in the use of Wikipedia.Alan Weis… [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 9:37 am
Marty Lederman links to Part 1 and Part 2 and discusses the memo. [read post]
27 Jul 2024, 5:58 am
Nixon at Fifty: Why Judge Cannon Is Wrong About the Attorney General’s Authority to Select a Special Counsel by Marty Lederman (@marty_lederman) US Hostage Policy Since James Foley’s Death, a `Moral Awakening’ in America on Hostages Held Abroad by Diane Foley (@FoleyDi) FBI and Social Media Dept of Justice Promises to Declassify Standard Operating Procedure for Coordinating with Social Media Platforms by Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) Human Rights Enforcement in… [read post]
21 Aug 2007, 8:34 am
Update: Marty Lederman at Balkanization parses the letter from Cheney's office. [read post]
26 Dec 2017, 4:26 am
” At Balkinization, Marty Lederman takes a close look at the solicitor general’s arguments to the Supreme Court in the unaccompanied-minors’ abortion litigation. [read post]
31 Jul 2017, 9:05 pm
.; Tony Mauro on DoJ split from NLRB on arbitration in Murphy Oil case; Thaya Brook Knight in March on constitutionality of CFPB] See also Marty Lederman, SCOTUSBlog, 2014; “Michigan Juror Rights Pamphleteer Free From Jail Pending His Appeal” [Jacob Sullum] Many satirical limericks later, Olive Garden’s parent company says its nastygram to a blogger “was auto-generated, and the company will take no further action. [read post]
9 Sep 2019, 4:06 am
” At Balkinization, Marty Lederman explains why the “common framing of the question [in the two sexual-orientation cases]—based on a hypothetical employer who believes that homosexuality as such is immoral and thus won’t employ gay men or lesbians—is not, in fact, the scenario raised by these cases or, indeed, by virtually any of the reported cases in which employees have alleged that they were fired because of their same-sex orientation. [read post]
16 May 2009, 4:59 am
If that's the case, it would be really cool if the OLC memo on the legality of the new military commissions was drafted by blogger extraordinaire Marty Lederman (whose appointment was hailed as a strong signal that things were really going to change), and (even better), that Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal ends up defending the new commissions in court! [read post]
21 Feb 2025, 7:00 am
Military Action in Mexico: Almost Certainly Illegal, Definitely Counterproductive by Brian Finucane The Fundamental Flaws in the Barnett/Wurman Defense of Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Executive Order by Adam Cox, Pamela Karlan, Marty Lederman, Trevor Morrison and Cristina Rodríguez Trump Administration / International Law Trump’s Gaza Plan is Absurd and an Affront to International Law by Eliav Lieblich The Resilience of International Law in the Face of… [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 2:58 pm
Marty Lederman outlined what he described as an underappreciated middle ground, or “third way,” that the Clinton and Obama Administrations have taken on the President’s unilateral constitutional authority to engage U.S. forces in military conflicts. [read post]
28 Jun 2022, 1:01 am
(It should be noted, as Marty Lederman writing for SCOTUSblog pointed out, that DOJ convened a hearing before a designated “hearing officer,” Lawrence Grauman, a well-respected former Kentucky state judge. [read post]
29 Feb 2008, 7:55 am
Marty Lederman and David Luban disagree over whether there is any point to this investigation. [read post]
2 Jan 2018, 4:28 am
” Briefly: At Balkinization, Marty Lederman and David Luban weigh in on the government’s cert petition in Hargan v. [read post]