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11 Jan 2007, 2:48 pm
Rebecca Lemon has published the book Treason by Words: Literature, Law, And Rebellion in Shakespeare's England (Cornell, 2006).From the book description:Under the Tudor monarchy, English law expanded to include the category of "treason by words. [read post]
19 Nov 2024, 9:10 am
In this latest episode of our podcast series, Let’s talk asset management, Hannah Meakin, Lucy Dodson, Rebecca Dulieu and Simon Lovegrove discuss the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s recent work on non-financial misconduct and its impact on the UK asset management sector. [read post]
28 Nov 2012, 4:44 pm
A single policeman from the Bahamas investigated Rebecca's disappearance. [read post]
18 Jun 2009, 1:30 am
Justice Brennan's Gender Jurisprudence has just been posted by Rebecca Korzec, University of Baltimore School of Law. [read post]
20 Jul 2009, 6:18 pm
Rebecca L. [read post]
2 Dec 2007, 10:51 am
Have to be intentionally vague here (you will know why when you get to her blog), but I can assure you that Rebecca's post is well worth the read and I urge you to check it out. [read post]
21 Aug 2014, 9:09 am
That's not a critique... [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 4:00 am
While the judge was highly critical of some of Joseph's behavior, she said no evidence was presented that taking the 3-year old to church is or would be harmful to her. [read post]
16 Sep 2008, 12:28 pm
Here is a review of Peter Spiro's book BEYOND CITIZENSHIP: AMERICAN IDENTITY AFTER GLOBALIZATION by Rebecca Hamlin, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley. [read post]
8 Dec 2021, 10:00 pm
Rebecca Kelly and Nasma Al Sabe answer questions on the principle of privilege in the United Arab Emirates for Global Investigation Review’s (GIR) Privilege Know-how 2021 edition. [read post]
1 Apr 2012, 6:52 am
The Monetary Benefit of Cooperation in Regulatory Enforcement Actions for Financial Misrepresentation, by Rebecca Files, University of Texas at Dallas; Gerald S. [read post]
8 Dec 2021, 10:00 pm
Rebecca Kelly and Nasma Al Sabe answer questions on the principle of privilege in the United Arab Emirates for Global Investigation Review’s (GIR) Privilege Know-how 2021 edition. [read post]
8 Dec 2021, 10:00 pm
Rebecca Kelly and Nasma Al Sabe answer questions on the principle of privilege in the United Arab Emirates for Global Investigation Review’s (GIR) Privilege Know-how 2021 edition. [read post]
1 May 2014, 6:56 am
Your biweekly risk roundup is posted and ready for your review: Cavalcade of Risk #207 is hosted by Rebecca Shafer at the AMAXX blog - there's a smorgasbord of topics, including Wounded Warriors and venture capitalists, Aristotle and ERM.... [read post]
22 Jul 2019, 4:48 pm
” Rebecca Saltzman has this post online at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. [read post]
16 Nov 2017, 8:50 am
Sarah Madigan in The Regulatory Review favorably looks at Rebecca Sharpless's article on Chevron deference in criminal removal cases that was part of the Drexel Law Review symposium on the 20th anniversary of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility... [read post]
8 Dec 2021, 10:00 pm
Rebecca Kelly and Nasma Al Sabe answer questions on the principle of privilege in the United Arab Emirates for Global Investigation Review’s (GIR) Privilege Know-how 2021 edition. [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 5:04 am
Van Sickle of Columbus and Rebecca S. [read post]
6 Jun 2007, 7:06 pm
The WSJ law blog reports that writer Rebecca Eckler is suing Judd Apatow and Universal Studios for copyright infringement alleging the hit movie "Knocked Up" is partially based upon Eckler's... [read post]
8 Jun 2008, 2:58 pm
Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow has a lengthy article on friendship and law in today's ideas section of the Boston Globe. [read post]