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10 Jul 2012, 6:58 am by Andrea Kovach
 A Kaiser and Urban Institute report on state spending under the expansion found that under the expansion, by 2019, Illinois would have reduced its number of uninsured adults in this newly eligible population by over 42% with the federal government paying for over 94% of the cost. [read post]
22 Apr 2016, 12:18 pm
  The misuse came about when employees of Tata Group's US arm downloaded technical documents containing trade secrets relating to Epic System's software that it was helping to install in Kaiser Permamente hospitals. [read post]
29 Mar 2011, 9:41 am by stevemehta
Hilton remained at the facility until November 26, 2006, when she was transferred to a Kaiser hospital, where she died on November 28. [read post]
8 Jan 2021, 9:05 pm by Jasmine Wang
Supreme Court in Burwell v. [read post]
20 Mar 2010, 8:39 am by Moseley Collins
At the hearing, the court stated: Now, I don't know if anyone was negligent here or not, I'm not deciding the underlying factual case here. [read post]