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10 Apr 2011, 4:04 pm by cdw
The first look at this week’s case law isn’t pretty, not in the least, with many, many losses and very bright spots. [read post]
8 Nov 2017, 5:03 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
La magistrada Silvia Carreño Coll determinó que Ox Bodies sólo debía compensar los daños por los cuales era directamente responsable, entiéndase, 20% del total, que equivalía $1,200,000. [read post]
8 Mar 2016, 10:30 am
  Or anything that has itself been socialized and can serve to signify or produce self meaning, in another, perhaps even lupa standing in for Rhea Silvia as she suckled the twins who would found Rome. [read post]
9 Jan 2015, 11:23 am by Lindsay Griffiths
On Monday, Viewabill will be presenting a two-hour webinar session on the topic of improving the attorney-client relationship through innovation. [read post]
15 Feb 2018, 8:27 am
Jed Odermatt (Copenhagen) - A Political Question Doctrine in International and Regional Courts Anna Facchinetti (Pavia) - Domestic Courts and the Defense of Shared Fundamental Values Commentator – Larry Helfer (Duke)   16:00-17:30 – Panel VIII – Human rights in a changing contextChair – Ganna Yudkivska (ECHR) Ximena Soley and Silvia Steininger - Inter-American Lessons on Backlash Damian Gonzalez (Sheffield) – The (Monetary) Value of… [read post]
8 Aug 2021, 9:07 am
REGISTRATION LINK         DAY 2, FRIDAY AUGUST 13   4. 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Session 3: International Dimensions; Chair: Natalia Delgado, Columbia Law School; Silvia Pedraza and Carlos A. [read post]
15 Nov 2023, 10:13 am by Hayleigh Bosher
 Silvia Baumgart, Associate at Saunders Law, reports on her views of the panel below:As it is stated on AI Fringe’s website, ‘The AI Fringe is a series of events hosted across London and the UK to complement the UK Government’s AI Safety Summit by bringing a broad and diverse range of voices into the conversation’. [read post]
11 Feb 2022, 4:57 pm by INFORRM
Ramiro Alvarez Ugarte (Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión) will moderate a discussion between Toby Mendel (Centre for Law and Democracy), Joel Simon (Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School) and Silvia Chocarro (ARTICLE 19) on this issue from the perspective of the United Nations as well as the Inter-American and the European systems of human rights. [read post]
7 Oct 2022, 5:30 am by Elin Hofverberg
Princess Victoria was born on July 14, 1977, the first child of King Carl Gustaf  XVI and his wife Queen Silvia. [read post]
27 Jan 2022, 12:50 am by Cristina Mariottini
The second issue of 2021 of Giustizia Consensuale (published by Editoriale Scientifica) has just been released and it features: Silvia Barona Vilar (Professor at the University of València) Sfide e pericoli delle ADR nella società digitale e algoritmica del secolo XXI (Challenges and Pitfalls of ADR in the Digital and Algorithmic Society of the XXI Century; in Italian) In the XX century, dispute resolution was characterized by the leading role played by State courts: however,… [read post]
8 Oct 2006, 2:19 pm
Finally, very special thanks to Charlie Plohn and Kevin Dart; to the ALM addicts (you know who you are); to the Halo gang (Ernie Pruckner, Stephanie Peck Hall, Joe Scott, and "Mark McGwire," Ashby Jones, and Mary Klepper); to Lisa Rasmussen and Los Pirhannas; to Jersey Girl and Jon Bream; da the Boston Clan (Silvia Coulter, Al Nye, Neil Aresty, et al); Camden crowd (Yvonne Dornic et al), to the Lakeville troops (Jim and Barb Charlton et al)  and to Ron Stevens and the Kunkel… [read post]
1 Mar 2023, 6:41 am by Cristina Mariottini
This issue also features an account by Silvia Favalli, Researcher at the University of Milan, Bellini c. [read post]
20 Nov 2015, 9:55 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
La jueza magistrada Silvia Carreño Coll atendió la petición de Filomeno Cruz, y aunque le pareció veraz su testimonio, concluyó que no estableció el perjuicio a su caso. [read post]
13 Oct 2019, 7:00 am by INFORRM
As the feminist theorist Silvia Federici has shown, historically this word had a very different, much less pejorative meaning. [read post]
14 Mar 2012, 12:43 pm by lopeznoriega
No escatiman los bardos andinos sus loas a la plantita Erythroxylum coca y le llegan a atribuir virtudes sociales reivindicatorias: “…eres la esperanza para la humanidad, hojita acércame más a tu belleza y tómame de la mano que quiero dar el grito de la libertad de nuestros opresores…” Tras las declaraciones del magistrado constitucional, nos sensibilizamos con Silvia Salame, ex Presidenta del Tribunal Constitucional, quien… [read post]
24 Feb 2022, 9:22 am by Cristina Mariottini
The following comments are also featured: Silvia Marino, Associate Professor at the University of Insubria, La climate change litigation nella prospettiva del diritto internazionale privato e processuale (Climate Change Litigation from the Perspective of Private International and Procedural Law) [in Italian] The present article tackles the classic private international law issues in the field of climate change litigation. [read post]
28 May 2017, 5:00 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
En la nueva vista de supresión de evidencia, ante la juez magistrado Silvia Carreño Coll, se presentó como evidencia los testimonios de dos agentes, la ex esposa de Cordero Rosario, y la madre de la víctima. [read post]