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28 Oct 2020, 6:36 am
In the US: This ideal state can realized by embracing truth as it exists outside of an individual – either in divine command (or grace, or law) or in the inspired will of the community at its most potent. [read post]
20 May 2022, 2:13 am by Florian Mueller
Google described it as a mere clarification, though I would agree with Epic and others that in reality it constituted a policy change, an about-face.By "[f]or the time being" I meant that this is just temporary, like a moratorium:At the very latest, this agreement terminates when the United States District Court for the Northern District of California has entered final judgment in, or otherwise disposed of, Epic Games v. [read post]
20 Feb 2013, 7:14 pm by Linda McClain
Without embracing the equation made in Reynolds v. [read post]
24 Dec 2014, 5:00 am
  In this case the United States Supreme Court held that a state attorney general action (really brought by contingent fee counsel proceeding in an AG’s name), ostensibly on behalf of all the citizens of a state, did not qualify as a “mass action” under the Class Action Fairness Act (“CAFA”) so as to allow removal to federal court. [read post]
17 May 2023, 4:54 am by Michael C. Dorf
A First Amendment challenge to the law made it to the Supreme Court itself, which, in United States v. [read post]
28 Jun 2013, 10:09 am by Don Cruse
Gambling machines STATE OF TEXAS v. $1,760.00 IN UNITED STATES CURRENCY, 37 "8" LINER MACHINES, No. 12-0718 Per Curiam The Court agreed with the State that certain “eight-liner” machines qualified as gambling equipment for purposes of civil forfeiture. [read post]
2 May 2018, 8:57 am by Eugene Volokh
But those are just statutory exemptions, created as a matter of legislative grace. [read post]
20 Apr 2015, 1:29 pm by Amy Howe
The United States also filed an amicus brief supporting the challengers. [read post]
3 Aug 2011, 1:24 pm
Like any polymer, DNA is made up of repeating monomer units, connected by chemical bonds to form one larger molecule. [read post]
4 May 2010, 5:23 pm by Alfred Brophy
 In the immediate years after the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. [read post]
10 Mar 2019, 5:08 pm by INFORRM
United States The Cyberlaw Clinic reports that it has filed an amicus curiae brief (.pdf) in the United States Supreme Court in Oracle v. [read post]
25 May 2010, 8:09 am by Anna Christensen
  He is a frequent commentator on constitutional issues and the United States Supreme Court. [read post]
17 Nov 2019, 4:08 pm by INFORRM
United States In South Carolina the case of Charleston City Paper has confirmed libel law principles, Blog Law Online comments. [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 1:42 pm by SteinMcewen, LLP
  As a result, the Patent Reform Act as a whole will not please any of the groups entirely, but is a compromise bill designed to please enough to ensure passage while invigorating the United States patent system. [read post]
23 Aug 2010, 1:22 am by Kelly
Diamond Innovations Inc ( (Docket Report) District Court W D Pennsylvania will revisit and reconsider the standing issue in false marking case: United States of America ex rel FLFMC, LLC v. [read post]