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24 Oct 2009, 10:06 am
CPR 39.3(5) states that the Court may only grant a set aside application if the applicant: (a) acted promptly when he found out that the court had exercised its power to……enter judgment or make an order against him; (b) had a good reason for not attending the trial; and (c) has a reasonable prospect of success at trial. [read post]
19 May 2014, 2:51 pm by Gustavo Arballo
Corto y delicioso libro, simil de un famoso libro norteamericano sobre cómo hubiera sido resuelto hoy Roe v. [read post]
21 Jan 2019, 6:56 pm by Joseph Koncelik
Wetlands- any wetlands that are adjacent to a) traditional navigable waterways; b) tributaries to traditional navigable waters; c) federally protected ditches; d) federally protected lakes and ponds; and e) federally protected impoundments. [read post]
21 Jan 2019, 6:56 pm by Joseph Koncelik
Wetlands- any wetlands that are adjacent to a) traditional navigable waterways; b) tributaries to traditional navigable waters; c) federally protected ditches; d) federally protected lakes and ponds; and e) federally protected impoundments. [read post]
16 Jul 2012, 5:42 pm by INFORRM
In the late 19th century, Lord Shand observed at page 1113 of Godfrey v W & D C Thomson (1890) 17 R 1108: “… I think that in these times persons must be allowed to speak pretty freely of public political conduct and principles …” Mr Crow aruged that the leaflets were capable of meaning that he was one of those involved in the scandals, waste and other matters referred to. [read post]
17 Sep 2018, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Legal Studies Paper (2018)).Shahbaz Ahmad Cheema, Revisiting Abdul Kadir v Salima: Locus Classicus on Civil Nature of Marriage? [read post]
24 Jul 2023, 10:55 am by Marcel Pemsel
Even if the shape is sufficiently distinctive because it departs significantly from the norms and customs of the sector concerned, it can still be subject to a rejection on functionality grounds, as the judgment Wajos v EUIPO (Forme d´un contenant) in case T-10/22 shows. [read post]