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26 Jan 2015, 3:32 am by Embajador Microjuris al Día
Por otra parte, en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Harvard ofreció el año pasado el seminario «Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers», ofrecido por Benjamin Moses Leff, un profesor asociado del Colegio de Derecho de la American University en Washington. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 6:26 am by Kelly Phillips Erb
Bachmann’s willingness to entertain the “no taxes” idea will clearly paint her as an outsider in Washington. [read post]
3 Apr 2020, 7:23 am by Attorney Neil Z. Burns
I-90 continues to the end of the continent with its terminus at Seattle, Washington. [read post]
16 Mar 2018, 10:00 am by John J. Malm
In September 2017, a woman was killed in Washington State when a semi-truck attempted to shift lanes and rear-ended a car. [read post]
23 Apr 2018, 4:00 am by Akhil Amar
Buchanan retired to his estate in central Pennsylvania and lived to see the end of the Civil War. [read post]
23 Nov 2018, 11:21 am by Gene Takagi
@forbes #taxes #rich #gifttaxes IRS Hands The Rich Certainty On Trump Estate Tax Sweetener: No Clawback On Huge Gifts [Ed. [read post]
15 Feb 2019, 8:29 am by Scott Bomboy
President George Washington used executive emergency powers to end the Whiskey Rebellion, and President Abraham Lincoln used emergency powers during the Civil War. [read post]
10 Jul 2019, 8:00 am by Robert Kreisman
Kreisman Law Offices has been handling traumatic brain injury lawsuits, medical negligence cases, hospital negligence lawsuits, birth trauma injury lawsuits, anesthesiology errors and cerebral palsy lawsuits for individuals, families and loved ones who have been harmed, injured or died as a result of the carelessness or negligence of a medical provider for more than 40 years in and around Chicago, Cook County and its surrounding areas, including Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Northfield, Arlington… [read post]
13 Feb 2008, 10:59 am
Voyles (NFP) - "The Washington Superior Court appointed Connie Kniesly and Ronald Voyles guardians of the person and the estate of their mother, Edna Voyles ("Edna"). [read post]
14 Feb 2018, 12:04 pm by Ed. Puerto Rico
La ley federal establece que para que el Gobierno estatal reciba fondos del Tesoro federal para beneficio del ERTC, el Gobierno local debe diseñar un plan que distribuya los pagos con agilidad a los contribuyentes. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 4:28 pm by Ed Poll
Oh, I forgot, the tabloids need to sell papers, they are part of the industrial complex that both Presidents Washington and Eisenhower warned us about as they left office. [read post]
9 Oct 2024, 5:45 am by Robert Kraft
Author information: Hannah Boothe is a graduate of the University of Washington in Marketing and English. [read post]
2 Oct 2023, 1:01 pm by admin
     The Facts On September 19, 2023, the SEC announced a settlement with a real estate services firm. [read post]
13 Sep 2009, 1:25 pm
The big bomb for the month came out of London, where Eversheds announced it was looking to lay off 22 lawyers in its real-estate practice and an additional 95 secretaries. [read post]
29 Apr 2013, 11:17 am by Cleve Clinton
  Excluded businesses include those related to insurance, gaming, real estate development, financial institutions, defense and oil & gas. [read post]
15 Sep 2008, 5:14 am
  Just watch what happens to the Manhattan condo market, one of the few strong real estate markets left in the country. [read post]