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22 Jul 2016, 4:04 am by INFORRM
This led both Tele2 and Watson (along with a Conservative MP, David Davis, who withdrew his name when he became a cabinet minister) to challenge their respective national data retention regimes, essentially arguing that such regimes were incompatible with the standards set down in Digital Rights Ireland. [read post]
26 Jul 2016, 3:57 pm by José Guillermo
. “La izquierda tiene que repensar su aparato teórico y táctico”: David Harvey David Harvey, uno de los pensadores marxistas más prominentes de nuestro tiempo, se sentó con el activista colectivo AK Malabocas a discutir las transformaciones en el modo de acumulación capitalista, la centralidad del terreno urbano en las luchas de clase contemporáneas, y las implicancias de todo esto para la organización… [read post]
24 Apr 2023, 7:00 am by Guest Blogger
This post was prepared for a roundtable on Civic Education, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
28 Oct 2009, 1:00 pm
Sandra is a MacArthur fellow, the so called 'genius award'...or Nilo Cruz, who came from Cuba at age 10 without speaking a word of English and became a playwright and received the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for drama. [read post]
1 Oct 2021, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal As Districts Grow More Diverse, Congressional Outreach Does Too MSN – Michael Macagnone (Roll Call) | Published: 9/30/2021 Over the past decade, U.S. [read post]
2 Oct 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Ransomware Attacks Take on New Urgency Ahead of Vote MSN – Nicole Perloth and David Sanger (New York Times) | Published: 9/27/2020 A company that sells software cities and states use to display results on election night was hit by ransomware, the latest of nearly a thousand such attacks over the past year against small towns, big cities, and the contractors who run their voting systems. [read post]
15 Feb 2011, 9:54 pm by Jim Walker
On June 4, Royal Caribbean's crew medical manager, David Blackwell, fired off a letter to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (now part of the Department of Homeland Security) that put a decidedly unsympathetic spin on McDonald's decision to get his health care in the U.S. [read post]
16 Apr 2021, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
UK Lobbying Scandal Snares Ex-PM Cameron; Govt Starts Probe Associated Press News – Danica Kirka | Published: 4/12/2021 The controversy over former British Prime Minister David Cameron’s lobbying on behalf of a now-bankrupt financial services firm deepened as the government launched an investigation that opponents immediately labeled a “cover-up. [read post]
6 Mar 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Three Republican senators – Ted Cruz and John Cornyn of Texas and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina – got more money than the rest of the Judiciary Committee combined. [read post]
29 Mar 2023, 6:41 am by Gretchen Knaut
February 1, 2016: Trump finished second in the Iowa caucuses, losing the first Republican state nominating contest to Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) (Reuters). [read post]
18 Dec 2014, 6:00 am by Administrator
Each Thursday we present a significant excerpt, usually from a recently published book or journal article. [read post]
22 Jan 2011, 6:05 pm by Joseph C. McDaniel
According to this schedule, the debtors owe David Bartley, one of the movants, $329,485, and they owe Pacifica Loan Four LLC, the other movant, $3,815,352.[5] IV. [read post]
20 May 2022, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
Supreme Court Agrees with Cruz, Strikes Campaign Contribution Limit MSN – Robert Barnes (Washington Post) | Published: 5/16/2022 The U.S. [read post]
27 Aug 2023, 3:56 pm by Andrew Warren
On August 14, 2023, a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury returned a 41-count indictment against former President Donald Trump and eighteen other individuals for a conspiracy to overturn the legitimate 2020 presidential election results in that state. [read post]
30 Dec 2018, 3:03 am by Ben
2018 was another busy busy year in the world of copyright, and a continuing global 'theme' was the ongoing battle between 'big tech' and 'big content', with the likes of Google and YouTube continuing to lobby extensively against planned reforms, bringing onboard (some) of the creative community - whilst the  'big content' (including film companies, music companies, the games sector and television) rolled out other creators - and finally seemed to be… [read post]