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21 Mar 2018, 6:48 am
D.C. and various states have increased their focus on drug pricing, resulting in overtures by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take a more substantial role in pricing oversight and regulation. [read post]
13 Dec 2007, 3:07 pm
"The overall environment was saturated with sex which consisted of sexual innuendoes, sexual acts, on-line masturbation, payments for sexual favors performed in the broom closet, sexual overtures and adultery. [read post]
20 May 2022, 4:59 am
The Court also rejected the State’s overture to find the claims were “barred as a matter of law. [read post]
18 Apr 2008, 6:27 am
Caught up in media attention (which he shunned but thrilled to), prodded by friends, and perhaps provoked by overly solicitous overtures from McGraw-Hill, White fell under the sway of renown and grievance, and then that of the legal establishment. [read post]
22 Sep 2011, 3:05 am
Although FINRA recognizes that "such uninvited pronouncements place prospective offering participants in a challenging situation," FINRA nonetheless warns that "even tacit acquiescence to such overtures to be a violation of NASD Rule 2711(e)," the FINRA rule prohibiting brokers from promising favorable research to a company as an inducement or consideration for receiving business. [read post]
2 Nov 2017, 8:46 am
The Belgian government has extended no overtures to Puigdemont thus far. [read post]
30 Mar 2021, 12:50 pm
It could involve more invasive harassment, such as sexual overtures, unwanted physical contact, or worse. [read post]
13 Dec 2007, 3:07 pm
"The overall environment was saturated with sex which consisted of sexual innuendoes, sexual acts, on-line masturbation, payments for sexual favors performed in the broom closet, sexual overtures and adultery. [read post]
31 May 2010, 3:46 pm
What gives the recording an extra edge are some first recorded performances of materials reconstructed from the composer's manuscripts, including a student Overture, another pictorial tone-poem "The General Slocum" describing the wreck of a pleasure craft, the Postlude in F, and the Yale-Princeton Football game "take-off. [read post]
9 Aug 2010, 12:14 pm
Washed-out actress Mia Farrow delivered another headline-grabbing bombshell by testifying that Campbell knew all along that Taylor sent the valuable stones after an evening of romantic overtures at Mandela’s Cape Town shindig. [read post]
20 Jun 2006, 6:08 pm
It is led by seasoned Internet entrepreneurs and backed by some of the earliest investors in companies like Google, Skype and Overture. [read post]
27 Sep 2011, 5:08 am
These allegations stated that the male assistant was subjected to sexual overtures by both of the stars. [read post]
8 Mar 2008, 5:23 pm
Dryden enlisted Purcell to provide musical interludes in the form of an overture, dances, and vocal numbers, none of which were to be sung by the principals in the cast. [read post]
27 Jul 2010, 3:14 pm
[see Proposed Regulation 25(2)]. (6) Target Board Defensive Tactics/Obligations: The defensive actions that the target board can take are proposed to be further weakened in the face of hostile overtures: for example, ESOP based poison pills are proposed to be abolished [see Proposed Regulation 26 (f)]. [read post]
27 Feb 2011, 8:29 am
The best way to avoid being the victim of internet fraud is to assume that every email overture involving money involves a criminal looking for a victim. [read post]
28 Sep 2018, 8:27 am
Similarly, REITs may be vulnerable to activist overtures as a function of their unique statutory regime, management structure and flow-through characteristics. [read post]
2 May 2015, 2:32 am
Let's never forget--the overture here screams--that lawyering is all about the care, feeding, mental health of the lawyers and otherwise how the lawyers experience lawyering, including other lawyers. [read post]
15 Aug 2009, 8:41 pm
The concert began with the Coriolan Overture, played with plenty of fire, and concluded with the 8th Symphony. [read post]
2 Feb 2011, 3:38 am
Addressing the same healthcare conference where he first outlined his reform goals four years ago, Obama on Friday made it clear that Tuesday's overture was not a capitulation. 'I joined you (in 2007) in a promise, that we would make health reform a reality by the end of the next president's first term,' Obama told 1,000 activists at the 16th annual Families USA conference. 'That was our commitment, and together that is what we did.'" From the American… [read post]
3 Oct 2007, 12:11 pm
Media coverage of the three-week trial was intense, focusing mostly on salacious details about the strip club dalliances of a Knicks player, lewd sexual overtures from a relative of a player to his fellow Garden employees and video remarks of Thomas discussing the cultural dynamics of calling a woman a particular sexist epithet. [read post]