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12 Dec 2023, 10:00 pm
Partners Levi McAllister and Pamela Wu and of counsel Sarah Riddell co-authored an Expert Analysis piece for Law360 that discusses proposed guidance from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) designed to increase the transparency and integrity of voluntary carbon credits. [read post]
25 Mar 2024, 10:00 pm
Partner Pamela Wu wrote an article for Reuters discussing tax incentives and funding opportunities from the US government available for carbon capture projects. [read post]
14 Dec 2023, 10:00 pm
Partners Pamela Wu and Levi McAllister and associate Patrick Pennella co-authored an Expert Analysis piece for Law360 examining the annual enforcement reports for fiscal year 2023 issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). [read post]
20 Jul 2020, 1:50 pm by Legal Writing Prof
The Legal Writing Institute announced some new members of the Editorial Board members for the Journal of the Legal Writing Institute: Irene Ten Cate Annalee Hickman Sara Ochs Wayne Schiess Drew Simshaw Christine Venter Katherine Vukadin Pamela Wilkins They join... [read post]
29 Apr 2012, 10:04 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Carbado, Pamela Casey, Nilanjana Dasgupta, David L. [read post]
8 Jun 2023, 10:00 pm
Partner Pamela Wu wrote an article for Reuters looking at some of the issues and considerations investors and developers of hydrogen fueling stations should consider as they continue to expand the hydrogen fueling infrastructure to accommodate the expected increase and use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. [read post]
23 Jan 2018, 7:56 am by Adam Steinman
Now on the Courts Law section of JOTWELL is Pamela Bookman’s essay, Cooperative Procedure-Making. [read post]
9 Jul 2008, 4:33 am
Available online from Pamela A. [read post]
11 Nov 2009, 8:08 am
Pamela Samuelson, University of California (Berkeley) School of Law and Krzysztof Bebenek, University of California (Berkeley) have published "Why Plaintiffs Should Have to Prove Irreparable Harm in Copyright Preliminary Injunction Cases," in volume 5 of Journal of Law & Policy... [read post]
Pamela Valera from Albert Einstein College of Medicine were interviewed on the show Perspectives on BronxNet. [read post]
25 Mar 2024, 10:00 pm
Partner Pamela Wu wrote an article for Reuters discussing tax incentives and funding opportunities from the US government available for carbon capture projects. [read post]
28 Apr 2019, 9:49 pm by Immigration Prof
Guest blogger: Pamela Baez, Masters in Migration Studies, graduate student, University of San Francisco: “The way I have been treated makes me feel like trash” said an 11 year old boy to NBCnews for his experience after being separated from... [read post]
10 Apr 2023, 10:00 pm
Partner Pamela Wu wrote a Law360 Expert Analysis article on efforts to promote the development of hydrogen fuel cell technologies and expand hydrogen infrastructure to encourage the adoption of the resource for use in transportation—a sector targeted by the Biden administration for carbon emissions cuts. [read post]
8 Jun 2023, 10:00 pm
Partner Pamela Wu wrote an article for Reuters looking at some of the issues and considerations investors and developers of hydrogen fueling stations should consider as they continue to expand the hydrogen fueling infrastructure to accommodate the expected increase and use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. [read post]
10 Oct 2008, 4:08 am
"9th Circuit's Kozinski Faces New Misconduct Complaint From Familiar Foe; Attorney who filed complaint was the one who exposed Kozinski for having sexually explicit images on his personal Web site": Pamela A. [read post]
1 Apr 2011, 3:35 pm by Bankruptcy Prof
"Pamela Jeter of Atlanta, Ga., has been trying to get a mortgage modification for more than two years. [read post]
10 Jan 2007, 5:38 am
Congratulations to Janis McDonald (left), Frank Ravitch (right), and Pamela Sumners on the publication of their new book Employment Discrimination Law: Problems, Cases, and Critical Perspectives. [read post]