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4 Sep 2015, 6:00 pm by Gerry W. Beyer
Chief Justice Maureen O’Conner held that the responsibility for providing more scrutiny needs to come from county probate judges. [read post]
17 Mar 2008, 1:09 pm
But these days, Maureen McRae Levy says her role as director of financial aid at Occidental College here requires her to wear more hats than ever before. [read post]
23 Mar 2010, 2:20 pm by Brian Dolan
(Running Time: 8:32) MP3 File  Maureen DwyerAssociate  [read post]
22 May 2018, 8:17 am by Amber Walsh
This month, we are pleased to feature Maureen Spivack of New State Capital Partners. [read post]
9 Jul 2012, 11:51 pm by Michael Geist
Access Copyright's Executive Director Maureen Cavan tells University Affairs magazine that 40 percent of university students outside of Quebec are currently at institutions that have not signed the Access Copyright model licence. [read post]
28 Jan 2010, 9:22 am by Steven Boutwell
By Maureen Harbourt On January 27, 2010, the SEC voted 3-2 to issue an interpretive guidance “on existing SEC disclosure requirements as they apply to business or legal developments relating to the issue of climate change. [read post]
19 Dec 2010, 4:31 pm by The Farber Law Group
The chunk of concrete hit Maureen in the head causing a head injury so severe that the young mother died the next day. [read post]
8 Jun 2008, 3:36 pm
., decided 5/23/2008)O'Neil was allegedly injured by a dog owned by Richard and Maureen Straus on December 5, 2002. [read post]
3 Feb 2012, 1:44 pm by John Hunsucker ST. [read post]
4 Jun 2008, 7:25 am
"Maureen Dowd is in fine form this morning â€â [read post]
8 Nov 2007, 1:08 pm
After 15 years of acting as a paralegal, Maureen Boldt has been sentenced to house arrest for the unauthorized practice of law. [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 1:02 am by
Christopher Plummer, 49, Lyme, Connecticut, and Maureen Clark, 56, Stonington, Connecticut, were indicted on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering offenses stemming from an alleged real estate investment fraud scheme that defrauded at least 12 individuals out of more than $1.7 million. [read post]
12 May 2014, 6:22 am by Al Sturgeon
Professor Maureen Weston teaches Sports Law at the Pepperdine University School of Law, and her expertise has been in demand recently in the wake of the Donald Sterling controversy. [read post]
15 Jul 2007, 3:47 pm
I love her, but even I admit that sometimes New York Times' columnist Maureen Dowd can be a bit, well, out there.But she's right on the money today with her op-ed Who's Sorry Now. [read post]
7 Jan 2008, 10:47 am
Updating Sunday's ILB entry, here are more previews of Wednesday's oral arguments in the Indiana voter ID case: Maureen Groppe of the Indianapolis Star Washington Bureau reports - "Voter ID law going before high court" Ian Urbina of the NY Times reports - "Voter ID Laws Are Set to Face a Crucial Test" Jerrrey Toobin, legal columnist of The New Yorker, reports - "The Bench: Fraud Alert" [read post]
15 Feb 2013, 10:13 am by Tom Smith
 Maureen O'Connor was the first female mayor of San Diego. [read post]
6 Aug 2008, 8:13 am
And it must irk McCain that the cooler cool these days is the nerd cool, says Maureen Dowd. [read post]