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19 May 2007, 5:51 pm
  Here is A Fair(y) Use Tale:You can also view the film here. [read post]
10 Aug 2021, 9:50 am by Laura Ray
  The guide also provides information on educational fair use resources; image/sound/music/video resources; selected free products that allow one to embed questions and other materials in videos; and selected free captioning, translating, annotating, and authoring tools and software. [read post]
27 Apr 2011, 9:00 am by UCLA Law Review
How Claim Preclusion and Issue Preclusion Should Be Modified in Cases of Copyright’s Fair Use Doctrine Karen L. [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 1:12 pm by Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento
Join me and artists Eric Doeringer and Greg Allen to discuss notions of “fair use” and “transformation” with our digital culture, as well as the question of how copyright law should adapt to rapidly evolving artistic practices and whether copyright law might constitute a medium in and of itself. [read post]
25 Jul 2006, 7:47 pm
Topics of my talk included history, policies, and goals of the project, concerns and objections raised by my law professors, the technical details of how the podcast is produced, how I am working to bring on additional law students, and finally a Fair Use analysis.Download the episode (56:39) [read post]
4 Aug 2012, 9:57 am by Steven
In the filing, the Authors Guild, whose president is novelist-lawyer Scott Thurow, urged the court to rule that Google’s digitization project does not constitute “fair use” under copyright law. [read post]
15 Jun 2007, 7:32 am
Thanks to the following weblogs and websites that have recently added permanent links to Legal Underground via their blogrolls*-- Fair Use Blog Oklahoma Criminal Defense Diary of a Law School Mom New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyer Legally numb The Defense Perspective Dictum The BLS Blog RICO Law Blog New York Divorce Law Blog Above Supra Immigration-Law-Answers-Blog A Little Bit Quirky *Blogroll (1) n. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 6:11 pm by christopher
State Law Claims Against Turnitin Fail (thanks to @InternetCases) Yes, the court dismissed the state court claims because they fell under the exclusive jurisdiction of federal copyright law…there was a reference to a case (federal) which held that uploading a paper to such a service was “fair use.. [read post]
3 Jul 2012, 3:20 pm by WIRED
The copyright dispute is one of great importance in today’s digital world: whether reposting an entire article, without permission, can amount to fair use of that work.Read 20 remaining paragraphs | Comments [read post]
7 May 2012, 11:26 am
But the jury couldn't reach agreement on a second issue—whether Google had a valid "fair use" defense when it used the APIs. [read post]
17 Feb 2010, 8:50 am by Jerry Brito
Sawyer on user-generated content, fair use, and the DMCA Check them all out and subscribe at the podcast page. [read post]
3 May 2010, 6:29 am by Donn Zaretsky
The opinion mostly stays away from the underlying merits, but, near the end (see p. 22), notes, "in the interest of judicial economy," that "there is no reason to disturb the District Court's conclusion ... that Salinger is likely to succeed on the merits of his copyright infringement claim," including that "Defendants are not likely to prevail in their fair use defense. [read post]
KingThis comprehensive legal and business guide for photographers include information about new copyright registration methods, how to handle stock photography deals online, new cases on fair use and copyright infringement, post 9/11 rules for shooting in “sensitive” environments, and updates to right of publicity laws protecting images of famous people even after death. [read post]
29 Jul 2013, 7:57 pm by Carolyn E. Wright
Join NPPA General Council, Mickey Osterreicher, and ASMP NorCal Chapter Chair, Nicolò Sertorio, for a discussion on photographers’ rights, including Rights of Access, Copyright and Fair Use, and Social Media Terms of Use. [read post]
22 Oct 2008, 9:10 am
The blog focuses on legaldevelopments related to technology, media andcommunications, including Internet and emergingtechnologies, new distribution platforms, electronicand online commerce, technology-based marketing,mobile issues and more.Recent posts include:Let's Go Crazy: What Does It Mean to "Consider" Fair Use? [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 3:50 pm by Adam Gillette
Adjmi's play is not a fair use parody of Three's Company. [read post]
6 Dec 2007, 8:30 am
It is highly "transformative," in the language fair use cases encourage us to use these days, even though it is pure copying.Apologies for the recent silence; I am trying to get other writing done, but I should be blogging the Reputation Economies symposium at Yale in a few days. [read post]
24 Apr 2012, 11:26 pm by Michael Geist
No word on whether the same groups have issued similar threats against countries such as the U.S., South Korea, and Israel over their far broader fair use provisions. [read post]
28 Oct 2008, 7:22 pm
[EFF] [News] The US Government has Seized the Mongol's trademark and is now "seiz[ing] all products, clothing, vehicles, motorcycles … or other materials bearing the Mongols trademark" [Randazza] I don't know what they will do with this guy's head… Via Kelly Talcott: $125 Million is a Lot to Pay for Fair Use [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 7:56 am
 Here's a fair use snippet from the article: "State Bar governors over the weekend approved 35 new rules of conduct for lawyers, but sent a controversial one involving advance waivers back for fine tuning. [read post]