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5 Jul 2007, 7:12 am
Frye, The Peculiar Story of United States v. [read post]
2 Dec 2019, 12:25 pm by Gordon Ahl
" The subcommittee will hear testimony from Carrie Filipetti, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs; Richard Glenn, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs; Patrick Lechleitner, the assistant director for international operations and homeland security investigations at U.S. [read post]
16 Apr 2019, 2:33 am by Patti Waller
E. coliO157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and animals.[4]  The E. coli bacterium is among the most… [read post]
16 Oct 2009, 10:33 am by Joe Mullin
(See Red Hat's press release on this settlement; analysis of the agreement at Groklaw; IPLB profile of Red Hat lawyer Richard Fontana.) [read post]
3 Aug 2017, 7:37 am by Bill Marler
E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes E. coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body, as well as on the tail, or flagellum,[2] and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and animals.[4] The E. coli bacterium is among the most extensively studied… [read post]
27 Jan 2020, 9:45 am by Jonathan Shaub
” Similarly, while president, Thomas Jefferson responded to a House resolution requesting information about the conspiracy against the United States involving Aaron Burr by providing all information relevant to Burr but withholding other names. [read post]
26 Aug 2022, 10:43 am by INFORRM
If the distinction in cl.4(2) were not drawn in the way that it is, it could in principle entail an enhanced personal right to access information including governmental information (see in this context the discussion in Kennedy v Information Commissioner [2015] AC 455 (SC)). [read post]
27 Jun 2007, 9:41 am
Frye, The Peculiar Story of United States v. [read post]
6 Jun 2024, 1:40 pm by Guest Author
That case, as Judge Richard Posner wrote in 1985 “has long been regarded as authoritative,” United Airlines v. [read post]
10 Oct 2007, 9:41 pm
-based DNS expertise and in order to preserve stability, it makes sense to headquarter the new corporation in the United States. [read post]
2 Aug 2014, 7:10 am by Mark S. Humphreys
Since 2003, a third of the net new jobs created in the United States were in Texas. [read post]
16 May 2011, 8:08 pm by The Legal Blog
"[The following article includes a table which lists out the statutorily permissible uses of polygraph examination in the different state jurisdictions of the United States of America: Henry T. [read post]
17 Oct 2022, 11:35 am by David Kopel
In August, The Trace presented a conspiracy about the amicus briefs filed in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. [read post]