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10 Nov 2009, 5:23 am
Amanda C. [read post]
4 Jun 2010, 6:46 am
Briefly: At ACSblog, Professor Amanda Leiter has a post on the legacy of retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, in which she comments on both her personal experiences while clerking for Stevens during the 2003 Term and his environmental jurisprudence. [read post]
11 May 2010, 7:30 pm
Briefly: At ACSBlog, Columbus School of Law professor Amanda Cohen Leiter observes that the days following the announcement of a Supreme Court nomination represent a rare opportunity for the American public to discuss and examine the role of the judicial branch. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 5:00 am
Thanks also to Brian Leiter for his top six list of law school visitors, upon which I also relied extensively. [read post]
3 Jun 2008, 3:05 am
Amanda Leiter, JD 2000 Harvard University, MS Oceanography University of Washington, Visiting Assistant Professor GeorgetownChapman UniversityDeepa Badrinaryana, BALLB 1997 National Law School of India University, LLM 2001 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, SJD 2007 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, Visiting Scholar Columbia University, Environmental Law Fellow Pace University, Visiting Assistant Professor Chapman University Kenneth… [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 11:47 am
Amanda Leiter, JD 2000 Harvard University, MS Oceanography University of Washington, Visiting Assistant Professor GeorgetownChapman UniversityDeepa Badrinaryana, BALLB 1997 National Law School of India University, LLM 2001 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, SJD 2007 Law (Environmental Law) Pace University, Visiting Scholar Columbia University, Environmental Law Fellow Pace University, Visiting Assistant Professor Chapman University Kenneth… [read post]