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8 Feb 2010, 7:50 am by Sonya Hubbard
At least, that was the metaphor that came to mind when we saw the 8-K that KBW, Inc. [read post]
17 Sep 2021, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
The rise of the delta variant, however, has prompted most firms to postpone requirements for employees to return to the office, and many K Street denizens said most of their advocacy activities and team meetings remain virtual. [read post]
29 Jan 2011, 4:19 pm by Joseph C. McDaniel
The most devoted Evelyn Woods enthusiast couldn't plow through all the cases that get ginned out over a day, in addition to taking a shower and shaving, and working for a living. [read post]
27 Feb 2011, 9:32 am by David Feldman
We also see regularly visitors from (this is in no particular order)  Skadden Arps, Greenberg Traurig, Pillsbury Madison, Nixon Peabody, Kramer Levin, Haynes & Boone, Jones Day, Perkins Coie, Paul Hastings, Sidley & Austin, Foley Lardner, David Polk & Wardwell, Dechert Price, Wachtell Lipton, Gibson Dunn, Hodgson Russ, Duane Morris, K&L Gates, O’Melveny & Myers, Pitney Hardin, Cadwalader, Morgan Lewis, Holland & Knight, Shearman & Sterling, Akin… [read post]
29 Apr 2009, 10:12 am
.'" Andrews Kurth has pushed back starting dates to January 2010. [read post]
19 Sep 2012, 5:40 am by Rob Robinson
.; Adequacy of Searches under FOIA – (Roland Bernier) Compliance with Electronic Discovery Requirements Is Crucial - (Dannis Woliver Kelley) Court Finds Broad Social Media Requests Fail to Uphold “Reasonable Particularity” Requirement – (K&L Gates) Courts Set the Bar for Social Media Discovery - (Jason Krause) Corporate Counsel Question the… [read post]
8 May 2009, 12:45 pm
START DATES, ORGANIZED BY DATE Ed. note: Some firms appear on multiple dates, as they've offered a mix of dates and deferral options 2009 * Covington & Burling - Any Monday after the bar exam * Irell & Manella - Any Monday after the bar exam, November at the latest * Munger, Tolles & Olson - Any Monday after the bar exam * Quinn Emanuel - Any Monday after the bar exam SEPTEMBER 2009 * Akin Gump - September 14, 2009 for some Houston associates * Allen & Overy … [read post]
11 Jun 2012, 3:40 am by INFORRM
The Spring issue of Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly is defamation themed, including articles by Eric Barendt, Alastair Mullis and Andrew Scott, Russell L Weaver and Paul Tweed. [read post]
12 Sep 2012, 4:58 am by Rob Robinson (Andrew MacArthur) Why Keyword Search Won’t Go Away – (Sheila Mackay) You’ve GOT [No] Mail! [read post]
2 Mar 2011, 5:21 am by Rob Robinson
Why Keywords and Search Alone are Not Enough - (Catherine van Zuylen) Cloud Computing Down to Earth: A Primer for Corporate Counsel - (Ben Kerschberg) Court Affirms $13.5K Sanction For Being Evasive In eDiscovery Cell Phone Dispute – (CA Attorneys Fees) Court Refuses to Read Silence as Agreement to Pay Opposition’s ESI Costs - (Anthony Chan) Crafting Effective E-Mail Disclaimers –… [read post]
2 Sep 2022, 6:30 am
Crowley, K&L Gates LLP, on Thursday, September 1, 2022 Tags: Climate change, Environmental disclosure, ESG, Institutional Investors, Joe Biden, Materiality, Risk disclosure, Securities regulation, Sustainability [read post]
26 Mar 2008, 11:54 pm
Paris II; the Honorable Diane Wood (far right), Judge, U.S. [read post]
2 Oct 2009, 7:05 am by Vanessa Vidal, Esq.
They included:Allen & Overy (250 attorneys and 200 staffers)Alston & Bird (14 attorneys and 38 staffers)Baker & Daniels (5 attorneys and 11 staffers)Baker & McKenzie (38 attorneys and 86 staffers)Brownstein Hyatt (15 attorneys and 22 staffers)Clifford Chance (15 attorneys and 20 staffers)DLA Piper (8 attorneys)Faegre & Benson (15 attorneys)Herbert Smith (33 attorneys and 51 staffers)Hogan & Hartson (93 staffers)Howrey (25 staffers)K&L Gates (20… [read post]
24 Aug 2019, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
Citizens, 1919-1924Conveners: Kenneth Mack, Harvard Law School (, Laurie Wood, Florida State University (, Jacqueline Briggs, University of Toronto - Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies (, and John Wertheimer, Davidson College (jow [read post]