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9 May 2008, 6:20 am
Writing over at CO, Anita Krishnakumar takes up my query about what her great ACCA analysis might mean for Rodriquez, the one last notable ACCA case still pending before the Justices. [read post]
5 May 2008, 1:54 pm
Writing over at CO, Anita Krishnakumar has this fantastic new post, titled "Dejá-Vu in Begay v. [read post]
22 Jan 2020, 3:30 am by Anita Krishnakumar
Anita Krishnakumar It is a persistent theme in statutory interpretation theory—one shared by textualists, purposivists, and intentionalists alike—that a statutory term must have the same meaning from case to case and from litigant to litigant. [read post]
14 Jan 2015, 4:38 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
Krishnakumar, Anita S., Dueling Canons (January 9, 2015). [read post]
15 Jan 2021, 3:30 am by Anita Krishnakumar
Anita Krishnakumar In her wonderfully-titled article, Which Textualism? [read post]
20 Dec 2023, 3:30 am by Anita Krishnakumar
Anita Krishnakumar In The Fair Notice Fiction, Professor Jesse Cross provides a much-needed deep dive into one of modern textualism’s core tenets—that giving statutes their ordinary meaning puts people on notice about their legal obligations and therefore promotes the rule of law value of fair notice to the public. [read post]
1 Apr 2022, 3:30 am by Anita Krishnakumar
Anita Krishnakumar In Legal Corpus Linguistics and the Half-Empirical Attitude, Professor Anya Bernstein provides an illuminating and forceful critique of the claim that corpus linguistics—the study of patterns of language usage across a wide array of English-language sources—should be used to “empirically” derive the ordinary meaning of words used in legal texts. [read post]
5 Sep 2024, 3:30 am by Anita Krishnakumar
Anita Krishnakumar In The Solicitor General, Consistency, and Credibility, Professors Maggie Lemos and Deborah Widiss provide an eye-opening deep dive into an increasingly common—and oft-criticized—practice engaged in by the Solicitor General’s Office (OSG): rejecting a legal argument that was offered on behalf of the United States in prior litigation. [read post]
11 Feb 2011, 10:08 am by Hastings Law Journal
Krishnakumar From Arms Race to Marketplace: The Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System Colleen V. [read post]
1 Nov 2007, 7:39 am
At Concurring Opinions, this post by guest blogger Anita Krishnakumar highlights that "the little-noticed case [of Ali v. [read post]
3 Nov 2022, 2:00 am by mes286
  University of Texas at Austin School of Law – Anita Krishnakumar, Professor of Law and Anne Fleming Research Professor, Georgetown Law, presents today as part of the Faculty Colloquium Series. [read post]
13 Jun 2024, 4:31 pm by Christopher J. Walker
Sunstein What the Major Questions Doctrine is Not by Anita S. [read post]