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12 Apr 2018, 11:34 am
The columns beside each year break out the three categories in the total placement: FTLT unfunded bar passage required ("BPR"), FTLT unfunded J.D. advantage ("JDA"), and FTLT law school funded BPR & JDA positions ("LSF").The first state is Florida (last year's visualization here). [read post]
22 Apr 2019, 8:35 am
The columns beside each year break out the three categories in the total placement: FTLT unfunded bar passage required ("BPR"), FTLT unfunded J.D. advantage ("JDA"), and FTLT law school funded BPR & JDA positions ("LSF"). [read post]
20 Apr 2018, 10:18 am
Peer score School 2017 YoY% BPR JDA LSF 2016 BPR JDA LSF 4.3 University of Virginia 96.6% 0.6 271 7 8 96.1% 293 5 19 4.1 Georgetown University 89.0% 1.9 504 40 40 87.1% 486 38 44 3.2 Washington & Lee University 83.8% -0.4 79 4 0 84.2% 73 7 0 3.3 George Washington University 82.6% 2.8 422 69 9 79.8% 373 61 9 2.6 University of Richmond 81.9% 4.9 101 21 0 77.0% … [read post]
14 Apr 2017, 12:26 pm
The columns beside each year break out the three categories in the total placement: FTLT unfunded bar passage required ("BPR"), FTLT unfunded J.D. advantage ("JDA"), and FTLT law school funded BPR & JDA positions ("LSF").The first state is Texas (last year's visualization here). [read post]
10 May 2017, 1:49 pm
Peer Score School 2016 YoY% BPR JDA LSF 2015 BPR JDA LSF 4.3 University of Pennsylvania 97.3% 0.9 230 17 4 96.3% 221 10 6 2.0 Pennsylvania State University - Dickinson Law 88.2% 18.1 28 2 0 70.2% 34 6 0 2.1 Drexel University 83.7% 4.8 111 12 0 78.9% 83 18 0 2.7 Temple University 83.2% 7.7 135 32 1 75.5% 149 42 0 2.4 Villanova University 82.0% 5.9 119 21 1 … [read post]
27 Jan 2025, 7:25 am
Aldi’s use of its Taurus branding could have been a form of lawful comparative advertising if it complied with the requirements of the BPRs. [read post]
28 Apr 2017, 9:58 am
Peer Score School 2016 YoY% BPR JDA LSF 2015 BPR JDA LSF 3.1 University of Florida 82.4% 0.9 230 36 0 81.5% 232 15 0 1.8 Florida International University 81.7% 0.7 108 17 0 81.0% 97 22 0 3.0 Florida State University 80.4% -1.3 136 16 0 81.7% 183 23 0 2.7 University of Miami 78.6% 7.4 209 45 0 71.2% 257 40 0 2.1 Stetson University 76.5% -3.2 166 59 0 79.7% 171 … [read post]
3 Jun 2020, 8:28 am
Following posts on outcomes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, Illinois, and Florida, here is a visualization for legal employment outcomes of graduates of DC, Virginia, and Maryland law schools for the Class of 2019. [read post]
27 May 2020, 9:19 am
Following posts on outcomes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Illinois, here is a visualization for legal employment outcomes of graduates of Illinois law schools for the Class of 2019. [read post]
30 Apr 2019, 9:10 am
Peer Score School 2018 YoY% BPR JDA LSF Grads 2017 BPR JDA LSF Grads 3.3 University of Florida 88.4% 2.0 258 24 1 320 86.4% 246 33 1 324 3.1 Florida State University 85.8% 5.5 150 18 1 197 80.3% 150 21 0 213 2.8 University of Miami 84.3% 1.6 249 36 0 338 82.7% 195 20 0 260 2.1 Stetson University 83.3% 6.1 168 21 0 227 77.2% 167 36 0 263 2.1 Florida… [read post]
26 Apr 2017, 6:31 am
Peer Score School 2016 YoY% BPR JDA LSF 2015 BPR JDA LSF 4.4 University of California-Berkeley 94.5% 3.5 278 11 23 91.0% 237 5 11 4.8 Stanford University 94.0% 1.7 164 4 4 92.3% 166 8 6 3.9 University of California-Los Angeles 90.8% -0.5 239 18 30 91.3% 247 25 34 3.3 University of California-Irvine 85.6% 1.0 84 3 14 84.5% 71 2 20 3.5 University of Southern California 85.5%… [read post]
23 Apr 2018, 8:31 am
Peer Score School 2017 YoY% BPR JDA LSF 2016 BPR JDA LSF 4.4 University of California-Berkeley 94.8% 0.2 269 6 14 94.5% 278 11 23 4.8 Stanford University 93.9% -0.1 163 15 7 94.0% 164 4 4 3.9 University of California-Los Angeles 92.5% 1.6 283 17 31 90.8% 239 18 30 3.5 University of Southern California 90.0% 4.5 179 4 5 85.5% 140 9 22 3.3 University of California-Irvine … [read post]
7 Aug 2017, 12:35 pm
The predictable result is that FT, LT BPR employment rates at many of the 16 schools have actually decreased, even as the LT, FT BPR employment rate across all law schools has increased by 6.9 percentage points between the classes of 2011 and 2016. [read post]
2 May 2019, 9:35 am
Peer score School 2018 YoY% BPR JDA LSF Grads 2017 BPR JDA LSF Grads 4.6 New York University 96.7% -0.4 411 3 29 458 97.1% 429 11 30 484 4.7 Columbia University 96.4% 0.1 420 8 5 449 96.3% 401 2 13 432 4.3 Cornell University 93.4% -0.2 178 4 1 196 93.6% 186 2 1 202 2.3 St. [read post]
4 Jun 2020, 6:07 am
View fullsize Peer score School 2019 YoY% BPR JDA LSF Grads 2018 BPR JDA LSF Grads 4.7 Columbia University 98.6% 2.2 416 3 6 431 96.4% 420 8 5 449 4.6 New York University 96.1% -0.7 429 6 30 484 96.7% 411 3 29 458 2.3 St. [read post]
12 May 2020, 4:32 am
Texas, for instance, placed 122 graduates into law firms with more than 100 attorneys, and another 34 into federal clerkships. [read post]
25 Feb 2023, 8:33 am
I had previously blogged about a District of Columbia bar prosecution that I called "cutting edge" as it charged misconduct in connection with the operating practices of a law firm. [read post]
17 Aug 2017, 1:10 pm
At the schools with law job placement rates in the top decile, slightly less than 85% obtain FT, LT BPR and JDA jobs combined. [read post]
1 May 2019, 8:28 am
Following posts on outcomes in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, and Florida, here is a visualization for legal employment outcomes of graduates of law schools in Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia for the Class of 2018. [read post]
12 May 2017, 6:58 am
Following posts on outcomes in Texas, New York, Illinois, California, Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, here is a visualization for legal employment outcomes of graduates of Pennsylvania law schools for the Class of 2016. [read post]