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15 Jul 2011, 3:22 pm by Jon Sham
 Suit against HarborView stays in court – by Brendan Kearney In the latest development in litigation between residents in Baltimore’s HarborView tower and the property’s condominium association, a city judge has ruled that penthouse owner Paul C. [read post]
1 Apr 2011, 11:53 am by Jon Sham
Jury awards $1 to bystander in bar bust – by Brendan Kearney A Baltimore jury has awarded just $1 to one of four city men who were frisked and detained for about an hour in a Westside bar while a half-dozen police arrested another patron on charges that were dropped later. [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 10:47 am by Jon Sham
Settling into a teachable moment with Baltimore police – by Brendan Kearney George Nilson had had enough. [read post]
17 Jun 2011, 1:38 pm by Danny Jacobs
Jury awards $11.8M to Westminster man – By Brendan Kearney A Carroll County jury awarded more than $11.8 million to a Westminster man whose car was rear-ended by a repeat drunk driver in August 2007 and who developed a painful and debilitating nerve condition that has largely confined him to a wheelchair. [read post]
22 Jul 2011, 2:30 pm by Danny Jacobs
Judge fines lawyer $5K for pursuing age discrimination lawsuit – by Brendan Kearney Jason A. [read post]
3 Jun 2011, 1:53 pm by Jon Sham
Accused officer’s lawyers ask judge to decide murder case – Brendan Kearney After spending most of Tuesday deciding what evidence could be part of the first-degree murder trial of Baltimore police officer Gahiji Tshamba, Judge Edward R.K. [read post]
8 Feb 2011, 5:38 am
  Just imagine if Kris Allen, Matt Kearney, Joshua Radin, and The Fray all got together and had a baby (I know, it's a stretch), whatever popped out would encapsulate my husband's musical inclinations. [read post]
29 Nov 2007, 6:42 am
-BRENDAN KEARNEY, Legal Affairs Writer [read post]
23 Aug 2007, 8:59 am
Fish, who passed away in June, would have made a wonderful charter member; when my colleague Brendan Kearney interviewed his friends and associates for an obituary (subscriber-only link), they told him that Fish was famous for his extensive bow tie collection, even possessing one in the shape of a fish.The Daily Record's own "Raising the Bar" columnist Paul Mark Sandler wrote (subscriber-only link) a few months ago that "[m]any lawyers avoid bow ties based on… [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 11:07 am by Robert J. Terry
Baltimore can proceed with suit against Wells Fargo – by Brendan Kearney It took more than three years and three major edits, but Baltimore’s mortgage discrimination lawsuit against banking giant Wells Fargo has finally survived a defense motion to dismiss the case. 4. [read post]
7 Jan 2011, 1:13 pm by Jon Sham
Bernstein’s swearing in well attended - by Brendan Kearney Baltimore City State’s Attorney Gregg Bernstein took his ceremonial oath of office Tuesday evening at a grand courthouse gathering that brimmed with optimism about the new top prosecutor while acknowledging the difficulty of his task. [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 11:49 am by Jon Sham
Baltimore judge dismisses fired public defender’s lawsuit – by Danny Jacobs and Brendan Kearney A Baltimore judge has dismissed former State Public Defender Nancy S. [read post]
14 Jan 2011, 11:52 am by Jon Sham
Former Merck & Co. saleswoman claims she was fired in retaliation - by Brendan Kearney Trial began Monday afternoon in the case of a former Merck & Co. saleswoman who claims she was fired two years ago in retaliation for reporting her supervisor’s violations of the pharmaceutical giant’s corporate policies. [read post]
20 May 2011, 12:00 pm by Jon Sham
 City jury awards $3.8M to family of man who died of breast cancer - by Brendan Kearney In a case the plaintiffs’ attorneys say exposes the human cost of managed care, a Baltimore jury has awarded more than $3.8 million to the family of a Catonsville electronics technician after finding his doctor’s negligence contributed to his death of breast cancer at age 54. [read post]
24 Jun 2011, 12:14 pm by Jon Sham
Expedia to pay Baltimore $1.6M – by Brendan Kearney The biggest online hotel-room booking company in the Baltimore market has agreed to pay the city $1,675,000 to cover its tax liability dating from 2007 through June 2014. [read post]
10 Dec 2010, 9:41 am by Jon Sham
Bernstein names Elizabeth Embry, George Hazel to leadership posts - by Brendan Kearney Baltimore City State’s Attorney-elect Gregg Bernstein has named two relatively young lawyers to “key leadership positions” in his administration, his first public hires since edging out longtime incumbent Patricia C. [read post]
14 Jan 2011, 11:52 am by Jon Sham
Former Merck & Co. saleswoman claims she was fired in retaliation – by Brendan Kearney Trial began Monday afternoon in the case of a former Merck & Co. saleswoman who claims she was fired two years ago in retaliation for reporting her supervisor’s violations of the pharmaceutical giant’s corporate policies. [read post]
8 Apr 2011, 10:24 am by Jon Sham
Troopers are still profiling, lawsuit claims – by Brendan Kearney Echoing decades-old racial profiling allegations, a Philadelphia man says Maryland State Police troopers stopped him three times in two months because he is black, then pursued trumped-up charges that cost him 20 days in jail after he filed a Public Information Act request for details of the stops. [read post]
22 Oct 2010, 1:09 pm by Jon Sham
Jury delivers defense verdict in cop-on-cop killing – by Brendan Kearney A Baltimore jury deliberated only a few hours this week before deciding Officer John Torres acted reasonably when he shot and killed Norman Stamp, a fellow member of the Baltimore Police Department who was out with his biker brothers when a brawl erupted at an East Baltimore strip club. [read post]