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13 Jan 2008, 8:22 pm
If you liked that post, then try these...Bankruptcy Code Needs Tools to Fix Mortgage Mess by Cathy Moran, California bankruptcy lawyerCommunity property and [...] [read post]
21 May 2010, 12:12 pm by doug
California bankruptcy guru Cathy Moran makes a good point: although many consumers have personal relationships with their banks, and sometimes some good feeling for the institution, your bank is not necessarily your friend when you are filing for bankruptcy. [read post]
26 Nov 2013, 12:13 pm by doug
Northern California consumer bankruptcy maven Cathy Moran has posted some the essentials on her site, which gives inquiring minds the basic grasp of the issues they need to begin an analysis. [read post]
11 Mar 2007, 8:04 pm
   Attorney Cathy Moran, writing in her informative "On the bankruptcy soapbox" bankruptcy blog reports that since the October, 2005 effective date of the new bankruptcy law, credit card companies have sent out 8 billion solicitations, an increase of 1.5 billion from the year before. [read post]
6 Feb 2011, 6:31 am by Joseph C. McDaniel
Cathy Moran is a smart bankruptcy lawyer who practices bankruptcy law in California. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 5:00 am by Christine Wilton
Taking my cue from Cathy Moran's blog article entitled, "C is for Counseling," where she wrote "Maybe my “C” word should have been “Congress” who created this travesty," I will discuss. [read post]
11 Mar 2008, 6:17 pm
Cathy Moran, a California bankruptcy lawyer recently blogged at The Debt Podcast about a client who delayed filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy, and as a result, the client’s chapter 13 plan cost one of her clients over $30,000 in payments. [read post]
30 Sep 2018, 11:31 am by Cathy Moran
Moran Law Group has packed up and moved to Redwood City! [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 2:18 pm by Mike Cardoza
” was the question my friend bankruptcy attorney Cathy Moran asked. [read post]
10 Sep 2012, 8:38 am by Däna Wilkinson
Following up my recent post about mortgage help going unclaimed in South Carolina, I wanted to recommend colleague Cathy Moran’s post about various options to get help with mortgage modification or mortgage counseling. [read post]
21 Feb 2007, 3:07 am
Technorati Tags: tax consequences of surrender of home in bankruptcy, Cathy Moran, Bankruptcy Law Network, deed in lieu of foreclosure [read post]
23 Feb 2009, 9:21 am
Expected attendees include Harry Boadwee, Cathy Gellis, Eric Goldman, Paul Gowder, Rudy Guyon, Joy Haas, Kirk Hanson, Eric Hartnett, Greg Haverkamp, Kimberly Kralowec, Linsey Krolik, Mike Masnick, Cathy Moran, Amy Morganstern, Joe Mullin, Deborah Neville, Colin Samuels, Michael Sardina, Erik Schmidt, Mister Thorne, Kevin Underhill, Virginia Waite and Julia Wei. [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 6:37 am by doug
First, California attorney Cathy Moran offers up the wisdom of Bishop John Vincent, pictured above. [read post]
7 Feb 2008, 5:53 am
You may remember that in December 2007 Cathy Moran ([]) was also NACBA's member of the month. [read post]
13 Jun 2010, 3:03 pm by Administrator
., Mountain View CA INSTRUCTOR: Cathleen Moran Bankruptcy Specialist, California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization MCLE : 2 hours of general credit COST: $260 Cathy [read post]
20 Apr 2008, 6:05 pm
Kralowec, Ethan Leib, Cathy Moran, Joe Mullin, Deborah Neville, David Newdorf, Dana Nguyen, Aaron Perzanowski, Elizabeth Pianca, Mark Radcliffe, Ash Remwa, Colin Samuels, Jason Schultz, Tim Stanley, Stacy Stern, John Steele, Kevin Underhill, Fred von Lohmann, J. [read post]
My colleague Cathy Moran recently wrote about investing in bankruptcy as a tool to regain control of a debtor’s financial future. [read post]
23 Sep 2007, 12:04 pm
To this end, my colleage Cathy Moran from the Bankruptcy Law Network, forwarded to me a link to a web page entitled "10 Financial Lies We Tell Ourselves. [read post]