Search for: "David Slepkow"
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12 Feb 2022, 4:48 pm
Victim’s who were surgically implanted with any of these medical devices should contact attorney David Slepkow at the phone number on this site. [read post]
3 Oct 2011, 5:26 pm
Please Consult with Rhode Island Child Custody Lawyer David Slepkow about the facts of your case. [read post]
Child Support in Rhode Island -Soup to Nuts! Establishing, Modifying, Enforcing,contempt,terminating
3 Aug 2011, 2:45 am
This article, written by a Rhode Island family law lawyer explains in detail the following Rhode Island Child support Issues: Establishing, modifying, terminating, enforcing, contempt, college, daycare, overtime as well as an explanation of the RI support guidelines!! [read post]