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18 Nov 2010, 3:20 am by Tim Kevan
David Cameron’s Adviser of Health and Safety Law and Practice, Lord Young has recently reviewed the health and safety laws following on from recent concerns expressed over the rise in the ‘compensation culture’ in Britain; for which Lord Young holds the media largely responsible.These recommendations have come about as Lord Young takes the view that “businesses now operate their health and safety [read post]
22 Dec 2011, 6:35 am by Steven
In a recent interview on Spark, David Weinberger, author and co-director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab, talked to host Nora Young about ShelfLife and LibraryCloud, two of the lab’s ongoing projects that will transform how we use libraries. [read post]
19 Apr 2011, 3:25 pm by Tiffany Chiao
San Francisco Chronicle, March 21, 2011 by David L. [read post]
5 Aug 2018, 10:21 pm by Chris Castle
 Then he was in another band called Crosby Stills Nash & Young. [read post]
14 Jun 2017, 9:00 am by NELB Staff
Recently posted on SSRN: "How Should Justice Policy Treat Young Offenders? [read post]
30 Mar 2017, 11:24 am by NELB Staff
Recently published on SSRN: "How Should Justice Policy Treat Young Offenders? [read post]
26 Jul 2022, 7:00 am by David W.S. Lieberman
Last week Whistleblower Law Collaborative’s David Lieberman joined panelists to speak with Taxpayers Against Fraud’s Young Lawyers Division about a recent False Claims Act decision. [read post]
21 Jan 2023, 2:06 pm by Brian Leiter
David Crosby, who enjoyed great success with The Byrds in the mid-1960s and then with Crosby, Stills & Nash (and sometimes Young) from the late 1960s onwards--and occasional success on his own and with Graham Nash--was a fine singer, capable... [read post]
6 Jan 2012, 1:51 am
In a Reuters interview likely to reduce American Bar Association (ABA) membership for the next several years, ABA President William Robinson told reporter David Ingram that young lawyers with high educational debt and no jobs should have known what they were getting themselves into when they enrolled in law school. [read post]
18 Jul 2011, 5:00 am by CivPro Blogger
Professor David Shapiro (Harvard) has posted on SSRN his article, Ex Parte Young and the Uses of History, which appears in the NYU Annual Survey of American Law. [read post]
1 Dec 2017, 10:40 am
"How the Lawyer David Boies Turned a Young Novelist's Sexual Past Against Her": Sheelah Kolhatkar has this post online at The New Yorker. [read post]
15 Dec 2015, 5:26 pm
 He gave Miami the best he had, prosecuting difficult cases, training young prosecutors and teaching them that a lawyer's word was his bond. [read post]
24 Mar 2015, 4:13 pm by Andrew
Marshall, MI — A young seventh-grade boy getting on a school bus in rural Marshall last Friday (March 20, 2015) was critically injured after a passing pickup truck hit him. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 7:15 am by Kashmir Hill
In defense of young lawyers [National Law Journal] David F. [read post]
17 Apr 2019, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
David described an important encounter with the young scholar Kenneth Stampp at Berkeley who was just beginning his own investigations into bound servitude. [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 11:12 am by Jeanne Hannah
Ten minutes ago, Patricia Apy let ABA Family Law Section members know that "the Brazilian Appellate Court just issued a 3-0 decision ordering the return of Sean Goldman, (Apy's client David Goldman's young son), to the United States. [read post]
11 Aug 2010, 10:19 am by Paul Caron
National Law Journal, In Defense of Young Lawyers, by David F. [read post]
2 Apr 2024, 9:24 am by David Oscar Markus
David was a wonderful, kind, generous, talented young man with an incredibly beautiful soul. [read post]
22 Jun 2020, 2:47 am by Bright!Tax Writers
David is a shining example to all young Americans. [read post]