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7 Sep 2009, 12:53 am
(patents4life) (IPKat) Litigation rumours surface over Intellectual Ventures - Picture Frame Innovations, LLC v Eastman Kodak Company et al (Peter Zura's 271 Patent Blog) (IAM) (IP Watchdog) (The Prior Art) CAFC reverses TTAB’s Bose fraud ruling, eviscerates Medinol: In re Bose Corporation (TTABlog) (TTABlog) (Intellectual Property Law Blog) (IPKat) (Patently-O) (Las Vegas Trademark Attorney)   Global Global - General Nude trade marks,… [read post]
22 Jan 2019, 2:30 am by Tinker Ready
Judge Jed Rakoff of the United States District Court in Manhattan, a former member of the National Commission on Forensic Science, said the weakest pattern analysis fields rely more on examiner intuition than science. [read post]
9 Jan 2009, 7:00 am
Volkswagon-based transfer mandamus order in In re TS Tech USA (Inventive Step) (Hal Wegner) ( ( (Washington State Patent Law Blog) (Patently-O) (Law360) (Patent Prospector) ECJ decides Obelix too famous to be confused with MOBILIX mobile phone service: Les Éditions Albert René Sàrl v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market, Orange A/S (Class 46) (IPKat)   Global Global – General Moral… [read post]
27 Feb 2009, 7:00 am
(The IP Factor)   Uganda Anti-counterfeits conference held in Kampala (Afro-IP)   United Kingdom IP rights in the Court of Appeal, but not as we know them...: Office of Communications v Information Commissioner (IPKat) IPO review of practice before Patent Tribunal (PatLit) Employee inventor compensation: an expensive pastime? [read post]
27 Mar 2009, 7:20 am
You can separately subscribe to the IP Think Tank Global Week in Review at the Subscribe page: []   Highlights this week included: US CAFC: Continuation limits invalid; limits on claims and RCEs are ok: Tafas v Doll (Patently-O) (Law360) (Hal Wegner) (IAM) (Patent Baristas) (Promote the Progress) (Patent Docs) (Patent Docs) (Patent Docs) (IP Spotlight) (Inventive Step) (IP Watchdog) (Washington State Patent Law Blog) (Anticipate This!) [read post]
20 Mar 2009, 9:00 am
(Afro-IP)   United Kingdom EWHC: Independent consultant held jointly liable for infringement: MMI Research Ltd v Cellxion Ltd (PatLit) Can THE JOURNAL ever be distinctive for a journal? [read post]
30 May 2008, 9:09 am
: (Spicy IP), India: DCGI preparing document to implement patent-registration linkage: (Spicy IP), New Zealand: Generic pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of NZ IP laws and medicines regulations: (International Law Office), Uganda: Cipla licenses ARV technology into Uganda: (Afro-IP), US: Money saved through generic prescriptions: (GenericsWeb), US: Government plans to keep close tab on drug patent settlements: (GenericsWeb), US: FTC reports 14 deals to delay generics in 2007:… [read post]
5 Jul 2008, 11:05 am
’: (IP finance), Allied Security Trust – High-tech companies pool resources to fight trolls: (IAM), (Techdirt), (Patent Prospector), (Ars Technica), (Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property) Global - Copyright On distinguishing between creative commons, the public domain, and all rights reserved – confusion in mainstream media: (, Inside views: a new business model for the music industry explained: (Intellectual Property Watch),… [read post]