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28 Sep 2016, 2:45 am
Eleonora has keeping IPKat in the loopas the new rules emergedIPKat's very own Eleonora Rosati has been featured in a recent Financial Times piece, "Old media hopes to benefit from new EU copyright rules" available here [behind a paywall -- alternatively accessible via a search for the article title on the search engine of your choice]. [read post]
15 Jul 2019, 5:44 pm
Readers will be pleased to find out that author and fellow Kat Eleonora Rosati has synthesized decades of the Court’s jurisprudence into one book: Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union. [read post]
28 Mar 2019, 12:02 pm
Tossh and Eleonora (centre), together with Max (L) and Kemi (R)Tuesday 26th March was an eventful day for copyright in the European Union because the EU Parliament also adopted the Digital Single Market Directive (DSM Directive).However, the main reason why it was an important day was because our own Kat Eleonora Rosati held the official book launch for her new book, Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union, at the London offices of Bird & Bird… [read post]
6 Jun 2021, 4:48 am by Anastasiia Kyrylenko
As a follow-up, Kat readers are uged to read a subsequent post from Eleonora Rosati on the Commission’s Guidance on how to implement Art 17, released this Friday. [read post]
17 Dec 2024, 10:21 pm by Asude Sena Moya
Eleonora Rosati discussed the recent EUIPO Grand Board decision to refuse to register the Spanish phrase ‘MARICON PERDIDO’ for goods and services in classes 9 and 41. [read post]
15 Mar 2020, 9:15 am by Eleonora Rosati
 Big Data, AI and Machine Learning: the legal perspective:Giulia Gasparin and Eleonora Rosati then discussed the legal implications for some of the technological advancements described by Ijaz. [read post]
29 Aug 2016, 11:03 am
This is a question that has been haunting EU copyright enthusiasts (Eleonora Rosati among them) for a few months now. [read post]
16 Oct 2018, 4:13 am
  Eleonora Rosati talks to UK Copyright Literacy on their latest Copyright Waffle podcast. [read post]
8 Jul 2016, 12:54 am
Here's the programme:  5:30 Registration6:00 Panel discussion7:30 Drinks and canapésOur panel will feature Simon Malynicz QC (3 New Square), Lauri Rechardt (IFPI's Director of Licensing and Legal Policy) and the IPKat’s Eleonora Rosati. [read post]
23 Nov 2015, 3:24 pm by Jeremy
 Apart from the fact that the course convenor is one of this blog's founder members, Amanda Harcourt, the speakers include both Eleonora Rosati (Southampton University and e-LAWnora) and John Enser (Olswang LLP). [read post]
29 Apr 2022, 9:29 am by James Kwong
  PermaKat Eleonora Rosati is quick to report and comment on the decision here and here. [read post]
22 Mar 2023, 6:21 am by Merpel McKitten
Second, Kats Eleonora Rosati and Hayleigh Bosher have put together an edited collection, which brings together several current and past IPKat Team Members, as well as eminent Katfriends. [read post]
18 Dec 2023, 1:02 am by Aleksandra Czubek
 Eleonora Rosati analysed the Italian Supreme Court’s decision addressing, amongst others, whether and to what extent an object protected by copyright (i.e., a Vespa) can be precluded trade mark registration due to the application of the absolute ground concerning substantial value. [read post]
26 Jun 2017, 2:42 am
The IPKat is joining forces with Simmons&Simmons to organise a panel discussion devoted to analysing the judgment, as well as its significance for both EU copyright law and the policy discussion currently unfolding in Brussels [yes, the value gap proposal].Hosted and moderated by IP partner Darren Meale at the London offices of Simmons&Simmons, the panel will be composed as follows:Melissa Morgia (Senior Legal Advisor, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)Eleonora… [read post]
26 Jun 2017, 2:42 am
The IPKat is joining forces with Simmons&Simmons to organise a panel discussion devoted to analysing the judgment, as well as its significance for both EU copyright law and the policy discussion currently unfolding in Brussels [yes, the value gap proposal].Hosted and moderated by IP partner Darren Meale at the London offices of Simmons&Simmons, the panel will be composed as follows:Melissa Morgia (Senior Legal Advisor, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)Eleonora… [read post]
14 Feb 2023, 1:32 am by Merpel McKitten
The book, Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law: 20 Years of The IPKat, is edited by Kats Hayleigh Bosher and Eleonora Rosati and includes contributions from 46 Kats and VIP Katfriends. [read post]
24 Mar 2023, 8:58 am by Chiara Gallo
It was highlighted that the case was brought before the UK High Court in relation to the FRAND royalty to be paid by Lenovo to Interdigital for a license to their SEP portfolio.OtherMerpel McKitten provided the IPKat readers with more information on the upcoming IPKat book, edited by Kats Hayleigh Bosher and Eleonora Rosati. [read post]
21 Jan 2019, 12:14 am
To celebrate in part the launch of the book but, above all, to take yet another opportunity to delve into what is possibly everyone's favourite topic of conversation, ie copyright & the CJEU, IPKat readers are warmly invited to a few hours of discussion on the impact of CJEU action on the construction of both EU and national copyright laws.This event, which will be in the form of a panel discussion, will take place in the afternoon of Tuesday, 26 March 2019 and will be kindly hosted by… [read post]
21 Jan 2014, 9:01 am
Now, we Kats know the answer to this as well as other questions, but we are happy to let others have their say too.The two principal speakers are our own dear Eleonora Rosati, who is far too well known to say anything about here, together with Graham Smith -- author, IP partner at the London office of Bird & Bird LLP, author of the Cyberleagle blog and generally very nice and much appreciated soul.The meeting will be hosted by Bird & Bird at its offices at 15 Fetter Lane,… [read post]