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13 Jun 2022, 6:40 am by Erik W. Weibust
Shortly after President Biden issued his Executive Order, almost 60 attorneys from across the country and the political spectrum – including Epstein Becker’s own Jim Flynn, Pete Steinmeyer, and Erik Weibust – signed a letter prepared by our friend (and EBG alumnus) Russell Beck suggesting that, even if they have the authority to regulate noncompetes (which is far from clear), the White House and FTC should leave the issue to the states, and recommending that if… [read post]
14 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Amy Starnes
Marshall Horton, Houston Carole Elaine Howard, Houston Jennifer Motwani Hurley, Fort Worth Janet Ayyad Ismail, Dallas Jessica Lynn Kirker, Austin Justin Glen Manchester, Austin Kerry Vincent O’Brien, Austin Andrew Wilson Reed, Houston Michael Wilson Stoker, Austin Jennifer Bley Sweeny, Fort Worth Anastasia Leontyne Villescas, Dallas Jason Thomas Weber, Dallas Christopher Champion Wike, Austin Oil, Gas and Mineral (27) Adam John Abert, Keller Callaway Vance Aimone, Edna Roland Horton… [read post]
19 Jul 2022, 6:14 am by admin
” Mostly the authors give us a toolkit for silencing those who would get in the way of the situational science deployed at the beck and call of the lawsuit industry.[10] Indeed, the Toolkit authors are not shy about identifying their litigation goals; they tell us that the toolkit can be deployed in depositions and in cross-examinations to pursue “social justice. [read post]
6 Jun 2023, 1:57 pm by Elin Hofverberg
In his attempt to resurrect the governance of the kingdom Gustav gathered a large army of war and renewed the alliance with the German cities, in particular Lübeck, who provided great contributions. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
  On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, is sponsoring a Manhattan real-estate networking event at The Madison & Gypsy Tea (27 West 24th Street). [read post]
7 Apr 2024, 9:05 pm by renholding
For many business economists and legal academics, the purpose of any business organization is simply stated: to maximize profits. [read post]