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22 Sep 2020, 3:55 pm by CAFE
Supreme Court, opinion, 6/26/1996 Frontiero v. [read post]
3 May 2017, 9:36 am by Andrew Hamm
Reed ruled that the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex, and 1973, when the court in Frontiero v. [read post]
22 Feb 2014, 6:00 am by Mary Whisner
Harris"When the Trouble Started": The Story of Frontiero v. [read post]
3 Jan 2019, 4:23 am by Edith Roberts
” The Ginsburg Tapes (podcast) looks at Ginsburg’s “debut as an oral advocate in the Supreme Court in Frontiero v. [read post]
1 Jan 2008, 4:08 am
Richardson 411 U.S. 677 (1973)(applying heightened scrutiny to classifications based on sex)Miller v. [read post]
15 Jan 2013, 11:00 am by Guest Blogger
Richardson, for requiring classifications based on sex to withstand strict scrutiny; the year before the Court had ruled in Eisenstadt v. [read post]
24 Sep 2020, 1:20 pm by Linda McClain
” Later, as a justice writing the majority opinion in VMI, Justice Ginsburg recounted the Nation’s “‘long and unfortunate history of sex discrimination,’” quoting Frontiero v. [read post]
29 May 2018, 1:21 pm by Harold O'Grady
She did so in a couple of groundbreaking cases, like Frontiero v. [read post]