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29 Oct 2009, 10:29 am by Christian Stegmaier
" According to Buschel "veteran waiters, moonlighting actresses, libertarians and baristas will no doubt protest some or most of what follows. [read post]
30 Oct 2008, 6:19 pm
As I explained in this guest post at Patent Baristas I felt that it was unlikely Bilski would have much effect, and that even if the Federal Circuit wanted to, it couldn't eliminate software patents. [read post]
29 Jun 2010, 7:05 am by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
See earlier post:  Bilski: Much Ado About (almost) Nothing Today’s post is by Guest Barista William Morriss, a patent attorney in Frost Brown Todd’s Cincinnati office and contributor to Ephemerallaw. [read post]
2 Dec 2009, 4:34 pm
Today’s post is by Guest Barista Eduardo Vila, a lawyer in the Barcelona office of Grau & Angulo. [read post]
5 Jun 2009, 2:36 am
Michael Moore, of the Pennsylvania Labor & Employment Blog, has a long-awaited followup to his guest post in this blog last year on Body Mass Index being the next type of claim out there under the ADA. [read post]
3 Mar 2014, 6:35 am by David Markus
“This is their version of a flash mob,” one guest joked.4. [read post]
12 Dec 2008, 9:00 am
(Patent Baristas) (Patent Baristas) (Patent Baristas) (Hal Wegner) (IP [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 4:42 am by Marie Louise
DuPont (IPKat)   US Patent Reform President signs AIA into Law; USPTO begins implementation of Act (Patent Docs) (Patently-O) (IP Spotlight) (Patent Baristas) America Invents Act: PTO fees (Inventive Step) (Ladas & Parry) (Patent Baristas) (Patent Law Practice Center) America Invents Act: an overview (Spicy IP) What the America Invents Act means for inventors/small companies (inovia’s Foreign Filing Blog) Commissioner Stoll talks on AIA at All Ohio Annual Institute… [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 8:45 am by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
Today’s post comes from Guest Barista Scott Conley, a registered patent agent in Frost Brown Todd’s Cincinnati office. [read post]
22 Aug 2006, 1:42 pm
Today's post comes from Guest Barista Ria Schalnat, a registered patent attorney in Frost Brown Todd's Cincinnati office. [read post]
17 Oct 2008, 3:39 pm
This post was contributed by Guest Barista Kelly Kilpatrick, who writes on the subject of the top ten pharmacy schools. [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 11:08 am by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
Today’s post is by Guest Barista Bill Bennett of Pizzeys. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 8:54 am
Today’s post is reposted from The Cross-Border Biotech Blog by Guest Barista Jeremy Grushcow, a corporate lawyer at the Canadian law firm Ogilvy Renault LLP. [read post]
11 Nov 2010, 10:54 am by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
The decision can be viewed here: Today’s post is by Guest Barista Bill Bennett of Pizzeys. [read post]
23 May 2011, 9:35 am by Guest Barista
Today’s post is by Guest Barista William Morriss, a patent attorney in Frost Brown Todd’s Cincinnati office and contributor to Ephemerallaw. [read post]
6 May 2010, 2:25 pm by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
Today’s post is by Guest Baristas by Toyomi Ohara. a US patent agent and Technical Advisor, and Sara Rosengard, an International Liaison, both with Kéisén Associates, a Tokyo-based Japanese intellectual property law firm. [read post]
6 Oct 2008, 4:37 pm
Today's post comes from Guest Barista Scott Conley, a registered patent agent in Frost Brown Todd's Cincinnati office. [read post]