Search for: "Harrold v. Harrold" Results 21 - 26 of 26
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8 Nov 2008, 7:48 am
Dan Harrold, Eva Harrold, Natalie Harrold, and Indiana Department of Insurance, No. 49A02-0712-CV-1055, the Court of Appeals had to consider whether a complaint alleging negligent hiring, training, and supervision of a hospital employee falls within the act if the underlying tort allegedly committed by the employee was unwanted sexual advances.Eighteen-year-old Natalie Harrold was admitted to Fairbanks' adolescent unit for inpatient substance abuse treatment.… [read post]
21 Nov 2006, 7:48 pm
Harrold, Asylum-Seekers in Outer Space, a Perspective on the Intersection between International Space Law and U.S. [read post]