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11 Feb 2020, 2:23 pm by Ron Friedmann
The only widely viable alternative appears to be iManage Insight. [read post]
31 Jan 2022, 6:00 am by Bob Ambrogi
Acrowire says that Infodash is best suited for midsized to large law firms and has already been deployed in more than a dozen Am Law 200 firms. [read post]
31 Jan 2022, 6:00 am by Bob Ambrogi
Acrowire says that Infodash is best suited for midsized to large law firms and has already been deployed in more than a dozen Am Law 200 firms. [read post]
14 Dec 2022, 6:04 am by Bob Ambrogi
Similarly, for document storage, 50% use consumer products such as Dropbox or Google Docs, while only 6% use legal-specific products such as NetDocuments or iManage. [read post]
15 Jul 2020, 10:35 am by Ron Friedmann
Excitement and expectations grew when long-established law firm document management software (DMS) provider iManage acquired RAVN in 2017. [read post]
21 Feb 2021, 10:18 am by Bob Ambrogi
30:49 – Legal tech M&A study. 35:44 – iManage’s ROI study & the nature of industry polling. 47:38 – Matt Homann and the Virtual Conference Manifesto. 54:05 – Vendor commercials & conferences. 56:38 – Rant & Raves: Jones Day gets hacked Our panelists this week are: Stephen Embry, publisher, TechLaw Crossroads; Victoria Hudgins, reporter for Legaltech News; Victor Li, assistant managing editor of the ABA Journal; Joe Patrice, editor,… [read post]
1 Nov 2021, 10:05 pm by Jeff Richardson
The above screenshots show LINK being used on an iPad, but it also works on the iPhone. [read post]
29 Dec 2021, 9:22 am by Bob Ambrogi
Before 2021, the last time a legal technology company went public in the U.S. was nearly two decades earlier, in 2002, when the document management company iManage debuted on the Nasdaq market. [read post]
29 Dec 2021, 9:22 am by Bob Ambrogi
Before 2021, the last time a legal technology company went public in the U.S. was nearly two decades earlier, in 2002, when the document management company iManage debuted on the Nasdaq market. [read post]
5 Dec 2018, 4:33 pm by Neil J. Squillante
Lexis Search Advantage | Transactional integrates with popular document management systems such as NetDocuments, iManage, and eDOCS. [read post]
3 Oct 2024, 6:57 pm by Jean O'Grady
Firms without a curated repository of documents can not use Henchman alone to solve the curation problem outlined above. [read post]
20 Feb 2020, 11:37 am by Ron Friedmann
Both NetDocs and iManage released major upgrades in recent years. [read post]
14 Sep 2023, 4:00 am by AALL Spectrum
Because each of the things described above is a SALI field, users can run a query on the SALI tags Patent Law (Area of Law) + Dispute (Service) + Computer & High Tech (Industry) + Defendant (Actor / Player). [read post]
15 Aug 2023, 7:55 am by Bob Ambrogi
To make it easier to pull in documents, Clearbrief integrates with document management and e-discovery platforms such as NetDocuments, iManage and Relativity. [read post]
26 Dec 2018, 1:54 pm by Bob Ambrogi
Nevertheless, it signals, as I wrote earlier this year at Above the Law, that big investors are no longer snubbing legal tech. [read post]
9 Dec 2009, 4:40 am by Rob Robinson Competition Review Nov 2009 - Articles/Updates related to Competition Law from Europe Union Agrees to Access by U.S. [read post]