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19 Mar 2010, 5:18 am by Federal and Extradition Defense
"Previously posted: According to Reuters, Wachovia Bank,is in talks with the Justice Department to settle U.S. government allegations that a failure in bank controls enabled Mexican exchange houses (casas de cambio) to launder drug money. [read post]
6 May 2011, 7:14 am by Mike "No Man" Navarre
  Then, yesterday I read this Comment under our fearless leader’s post on the slow year the CCAs are having as measured in published opinions: Maybe it’s because even they recognize that what they’re writing these days is generally worthless drivel, hence its “non-precedential” value. [read post]
19 Aug 2019, 4:17 am by SHG
We’re not pet people, cat, dog or miniature horse. [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 9:43 pm
"They're one of the most vulnerable populations to get a bacterial infection. [read post]
24 Mar 2011, 10:58 am
La tecnología del cine ha evolucionado mucho, desde el primitivo cinematógrafo mudo de los hermanos Lumière, hasta el cine digital del siglo XX. [read post]
 “We’re so confident that anyone who sees Smokeball will love it that it’s a no-brainer for us to give back to the community to get more people taking a look,” says Jane Oxley about the reason for the campaign. [read post]
10 Sep 2011, 9:47 pm by deudas
hola lo q pasa es que tengo una deuda con credisoluciones les debo 20,800 y yo les habia puesto 4 aparatos de aval,y pòr necesidad tuve que venderlos, tenia un negocito y todo me salio mal y hubo un momento que ya no pude pagar los abonos y me atrase aparte de que acabo de re-estructurar la cuenta di el primer abono y ya no pude dar los demas me tuve que ir a vivir con mis papas, por que ya no tenia ni para comer, mi esposo rento la casa y los cobradores de esa empresa la… [read post]
8 Dec 2017, 8:29 pm by Sme
., December 5, 2017) (vacating sovereign-immunity dismissal of Bright's ADA claim: the dismissal was proper but should have been without prejudice)Miscellaneous*Iglesia Pentecostal Casa de Dios para las Naciones, Inc. v. [read post]
20 Jan 2011, 8:20 am by Joseph C. McDaniel
It's as though they're coming into a pornography emporium, and they're whispering that even though they want to rent some movie about Debbie and Texas, they're still nice folks. [read post]
4 Jun 2010, 1:33 pm by Joseph C. McDaniel
There are a lot of bankruptcy trustees who do work in Arizona, whether it's in Casa Grande, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Chandler or Paradise Valley.And, wouldn't you know it, they're all people.Now, I don't have a big problem with people, regardless of what that guidance counselor wrote in the file about me, and she was just crazy, you know? [read post]
26 Apr 2011, 8:00 am by Joseph C. McDaniel
25 Jun 2009, 2:34 pm by Sarah
In case you're not in the mood for tacos, they have plenty of tortas and burritos on the menu as well.I'll be back in the swing of things later next week once I'm settled in. [read post]
12 Nov 2009, 1:20 am
  The regulatory change is the first step in the implementation of the “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” (My House, My Life) program created by Article 79 of Law No. 11.977. [read post]
18 Sep 2010, 2:21 pm
El 9 º Circuito se basó en gran medida de la decisión de la Corte Suprema en el caso In re Reilly, 130 S. [read post]
26 Aug 2008, 9:29 am
We're kind of like energizer bunnies. we go and go and go and then we drop. [read post]
10 Nov 2020, 4:13 am by SHG
Not for you, perhaps, but at Casa de SJ. [read post]
19 Apr 2010, 11:26 pm
En el caso de In Re Lavelle, 2009 Bankr., Un juez de bancarrota para el Distrito Este de Nueva York permite a los deudores a anular la segunda hipoteca que mantiene el banco de su propiedad mediante la presentación de Capítulo 7, cuando el valor de su casa cayó por debajo de la cantidad garantizada por la hipoteca en primer lugar. [read post]