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9 Mar 2011, 12:03 am
Thanks to Hanah Boen of the Abilene Texas News, for this great warning on handling and cooking Rattlesnake: Rattlesnake are commonly feared when they’re alive and rattling, but is there anything to fear when they’re served on a plate with a side of gravy? [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 11:14 pm by Transplanted Lawyer
I love eating potatoes and I notice they're popular whenever I serve them. [read post]
16 Feb 2024, 10:00 am by Mary Chastain
One activist: "But if you’re going to give out a handout, give it to the people that are already here that are struggling. [read post]
11 Jan 2013, 9:08 am by Gritsforbreakfast
“'They’re not just opposing Kerry’s bid to exonerate himself, but they’re saying all kinds of things about evidence at the trials that just isn’t true,' said Nina Morrison, staff attorney at the New York-based Innocence Project. [read post]
1 Mar 2022, 9:03 pm by Dan Flynn
The subcommittee was charged with the following questions: Given FSIS’ consumer research findings and an open multistate Salmonella Enteritidis illness outbreak, should FSIS re-verify that companies continue to voluntarily label these products as raw in several places on the label and include validated cooking instructions? [read post]
14 Jun 2009, 7:37 am
Five of the six victims were female, and all five were cooking at the time of the incidents. [read post]
15 Mar 2020, 3:18 pm by Russell Knight
  You’re here to find out about what will happen to your divorce or parentage action in the coming weeks. [read post]
19 Aug 2019, 7:47 pm by Patti Waller
The warning applies to Rosemount cooked diced chicken, which comes in a 4.54-kilogram package. [read post]
17 Oct 2017, 5:08 pm by Bill Marler
More than 2,000 people attended the 18th Annual Chincoteague Chili Chowder Cook-Off and Car Show on Sept. 30. [read post]
15 Mar 2020, 3:18 pm by Russell Knight
  You’re here to find out about what will happen to your divorce or parentage action in the coming weeks. [read post]
9 Mar 2012, 5:36 am
Somethin' is cooking in Paula Deen's kitchen... and it's a sexual harassment lawsuit! [read post]
15 May 2009, 7:09 am
So, while it looks like a step in the right direction, we’re not totally comfortable just yet. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 4:49 am by Gritsforbreakfast
”Now, more than a decade after his release from Texas death row, Cook has filed a Chapter 64 postconviction DNA testing motion "to start the ball rolling to get Cook eventually declared actually innocent," reports Michael Hall of Texas Monthly who provides an excellent, extended analysis of the case in a TM blog post.Bizarrely, prosecutors from my home town say they're puzzled why Cook would seek formal exoneration so many years after he was… [read post]
20 Oct 2008, 11:00 am
" The Board affirmed the refusal in In re SteamFast Europe Limited, Serial No. 76636092 (September 24, 2008) [not precedential].Examining Attorney Andrea D. [read post]
29 Nov 2022, 3:00 am by Gonzalo E. Mon
If you’re a consumer who is pressed for time, review cooking instructions before you buy something. [read post]
16 Jul 2021, 4:32 am by Chris Seaton
So today we’re nominating people for a new spin-off: “Worst Cooks in America: SJ All-Stars. [read post]