Search for: "J. Gordon Hylton" Results 21 - 25 of 25
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31 Mar 2009, 2:27 pm
Gordon Hylton, The Perils of Popularity: David Josiah Brewer and the Politics of Judicial Reputation, 62 Vand. [read post]
25 Jun 2012, 10:39 am by Geoffrey Rapp
Gordon Hylton, Before Redskins were the Redskins: the use of Native American team names in the formative era of American sports, 1857-1933, 86 NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW 879 (2010) Christopher Immormino, Note, I’m gonna knock you out: why physical force is a legitimate form of dispute resolution, 27 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 207 (2012)Suzanne Janusz, Comment, The NFL’s strict enforcement of its personal conduct policy for crimes against women: a useful tool… [read post]