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12 Sep 2018, 7:59 am
Jorge Barrientos, director of marketing and public relations for Chain | Cohn | Stiles, was awarded California’s “Volunteer of the Year” award by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, California, at the “Celebrating California’s Heroes” law enforcement and community recognition event in Sacramento. [read post]
2 Sep 2015, 3:13 pm
Earlier this year, Chain | Cohn | Stiles marketing director Jorge Barrientos was named MADD California’s volunteer of the year for his work with MADD Kern County. [read post]
27 Nov 2019, 6:00 am
In addition, Jorge Barrientos, marketing director at the law firm, is also a past recipient of the “Volunteer of the Year” award for MADD California. [read post]
2 Nov 2016, 9:02 am
Also, Chain | Cohn | Stiles’ own marketing director Jorge Barrientos, with wife Carla, were featured on the marathon promotional video, “I’ll Be Running,” which you can see here. [read post]
4 Oct 2018, 7:42 pm
From Chain | Cohn | Stiles, marketing director Jorge Barrientos serves as the event planning committee chairman, and also sits on the Board of Directors for the MADD Kern County Advisory Board. [read post]
13 Sep 2017, 9:40 am
El Grito is organized by the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Business Education Foundation, which includes board chairman and Chain | Cohn | Stiles marketing director Jorge Barrientos. [read post]
18 Sep 2019, 6:00 am
Jorge Barrientos, director of marketing and public relations for Chain | Cohn | Stiles, was awarded California’s “Volunteer of the Year” award by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, California, at the “Celebrating California’s Heroes” law enforcement and community recognition event in Sacramento. [read post]
27 Sep 2017, 9:18 am
Marketing Director Jorge Barrientos serves as the planning committee chairman, attorney Matt Clark leads the sponsorship committee, and attorney Neil Gehlawat serves as a member of the MADD Kern County Advisory Board. [read post]
MADD Kern County to host 8th annual ‘Walk Like MADD & MADD Dash’, presented by Chain | Cohn | Stiles
25 Aug 2021, 3:18 pm
Jorge Barrientos, director of marketing and public relations for Chain | Cohn | Stiles, was awarded California’s “Volunteer of the Year” award by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, California, at the “Celebrating California’s Heroes” law enforcement and community recognition event in Sacramento. [read post]
16 Jun 2011, 10:13 pm
– Jorge Barrientos, staff writer For more education news, go to The Californians updated education blog, The Grade, at or follow The Grades Twitter at [read post]
27 Sep 2017, 9:18 am
Marketing Director Jorge Barrientos serves as the planning committee chairman, attorney Matt Clark leads the sponsorship committee, and attorney Neil Gehlawat serves as a member of the MADD Kern County Advisory Board. [read post]
13 Sep 2017, 9:40 am
El Grito is organized by the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Business Education Foundation, which includes board chairman and Chain | Cohn | Stiles marketing director Jorge Barrientos. [read post]
5 Jul 2018, 7:19 am
Trejo’s inclusion on the list now makes four people at the law firm who have been selected for this honor: Jorge Barrientos Matt Clark Neil Gehlawat (no longer with Chain | Cohn | Stiles) This year’s “20 Under 40 People to Watch” honorees were recognized during a reception. [read post]
24 May 2017, 10:04 am
Chain | Cohn | Stiles attorney and partner Jim Yoro and marketing director Jorge Barrientos accepted the award from representatives of Granite Construction, which sponsored the award. [read post]
27 Aug 2014, 12:05 pm
Jorge Rigau, FAIA; José Lorenzo, AIT y Celina Bocanegra. [read post]
17 Aug 2016, 9:42 am
Marketing director Jorge Barrientos is the event planning committee chairman, and was named the 2015 Volunteer of the Year for MADD California. [read post]
9 Sep 2020, 11:16 am
Jorge Barrientos, director of marketing and public relations for Chain | Cohn | Stiles, has been awarded California’s “Volunteer of the Year” award by MADD California. [read post]
15 Jun 2017, 8:27 am
The MADD Kern County Advisory Board includes Chain | Cohn | Stiles attorney Neil Gehlawat and marketing director Jorge Barrientos. [read post]
1 Sep 2021, 5:00 am
The six are: Matt Clark Beatriz Trejo Chad Boyles Tanya Alsheikh Jorge Barrientos Neil Gehlawat (no longer with Chain | Cohn | Stiles) The following profile was published in Bakersfield Life Magazine as part of the recognition === Name: Tanya Alsheikh Age: 30 Occupation/Business: Attorney at Chain | Cohn | Stiles Hometown: Bakersfield Tell us how you got into your field. [read post]
27 Jan 2018, 8:46 am
Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lima, a los veinte días del mes de enero del año dos mil dieciocho PEDRO PABLO KUCZYNSKI GODARD Presidente de la República MERCEDES ARÁOZ FERNÁNDEZ Presidenta del Consejo de Ministros JORGE KISIC WAGNER Ministro de Defensa ÁNGELA GROSSHEIM BARRIENTOS Ministra de Energía y MinasQuienes constituyen la Sociedad Minera San Miguelito SAC, NO he podido comprobarlo, pero si los datos que siguen,… [read post]