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8 Dec 2023, 5:35 am by Ivo Emanuilov (KU Leuven)
The nature of the activity is not changed by the fact that the output is a trained neural network and not directly executable architecture-specific object code. [read post]
On 16 March 2022, the High Court of England and Wales handed down its judgment following the FRAND trial in InterDigital v Lenovo. [read post]
The five categories of green technologies listed by the BRPTO are: (i) alternative energies; (ii) transportation; (iii) energy conservation; (iv) waste management; and (v) sustainable agriculture. [read post]
The ability to issue injunctions was seen as an essential weapon for SEP owners wishing to protect their rights in the initial 2019 statement, however, the proposed change is significantly less enthusiastic about it. [read post]
These were two of the key questions which the Court of Appeal grappled with in Thaler v Comptroller General of Patents [2021] EWCA Civ 1374. [read post]
9 Feb 2023, 7:00 am by Eden Winlow (Bristows)
  Within the framework of these meetings, technical proposals called “Tdocs” are submitted for new aspects of the standard or for proposed changes to existing aspects of the standard. [read post]
17 Nov 2023, 6:00 am by Gregory Bacon (Bristows)
Multiple parallel cases This was an interesting feature of the Ocado v AutoStore litigation. [read post]
22 Feb 2023, 4:47 am by Brian Cordery (Bristows)
This would include discussions with the relevant individuals relating to technical changes or non-infringing design-arounds to be implemented. [read post]
24 Dec 2024, 4:40 am by Eveline Lots (Brinkhof)
What is relevant is that the effect does not change the nature of the claimed invention. [read post]
13 Feb 2024, 1:33 am by Kluwer Patent blogger
If you make a mistake, it is very difficult to go back and it is very difficult to ‘change lanes’. [read post]
In an earlier post I explained the issues that the proposed EU Regulation on SEPs intends to address, and why neither the market nor the courts solve them. [read post]
18 Jun 2024, 2:53 pm by Thorsten Bausch (Hoffmann Eitle)
In regard to damages, the question was raised whether EP practice should change to become more similar to US? [read post]