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9 Aug 2018, 4:00 am by Administrator
” “Very good, My Lord,” the attorney answers in the same tone. [read post]
18 Nov 2024, 1:29 am by INFORRM
BBC, CNN, WSJ, FT, Politico, Daily Mail, AP News and Al Jazeera covered the ruling. [read post]
2 May 2008, 7:00 am
: (Dilanchian), The three dysfunctions of a complex IP legal team: (IP Law360), IP litigation and WIPO: (Ezine @rticles), Time to nominate IP Hall of Fame inductees: (IAM), Product packaging and patent protection: (IP Law360), Understanding the value of IPRs in the context of fashion and visual arts: (Ezine @articles) Global - Trade Marks / Domain Names / Brands How logos, shapes and colours are remembered: (Class 46), Now obsolete .su (Soviet Union) domains… [read post]
25 Apr 2015, 11:03 am by Schachtman
., citing Ofer Shpilberg, et al., The Next Stage: Molecular Epidemiology, 50 J. [read post]
8 Feb 2015, 2:30 pm by Schachtman
In one instance, Greenland revisits one of his own cases, without any clear acknowledgment that his views were largely rejected.[6] The State of California had declared, pursuant to Proposition 65 ( the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, Health and Safety Code sections 25249.5, et seq.), that the State “knew” that di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, or “DEHP” caused cancer. [read post]
8 Feb 2015, 2:38 pm by Schachtman
In one instance, Greenland revisits one of his own cases, without any clear acknowledgment that his views were largely rejected.[6] The State of California had declared, pursuant to Proposition 65 ( the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, Health and Safety Code sections 25249.5, et seq.), that the State “knew” that di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, or “DEHP” caused cancer. [read post]
5 Jan 2008, 2:12 pm
I hang out there if I am at a loose end on a Friday evening with a glass of Rioja to my right, Silk Cut cigarettes to my left… Geeklawyer is a man who can describe J Dan Hall of award winning What About Clients? [read post]