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28 Mar 2023, 5:56 am by jonathanturley
Davis, Visiting Professor of Law Jill Fraley, Professor of Law Chris Gavaler, Associate Professor of English Josh Fairfield, Law Professor Chris Seaman, Professor of Law Mary Z. [read post]
26 Feb 2023, 1:58 pm by Bill Marler
However, since its founding in 2009, we have also had a number of stellar writers – not any any particular order: Mary Rothchild, Ross Anderson, Andy Schneider, Gretchen Goetz, Helena Bottemiller, James Andrews, Suzanne Schreck and others. [read post]
11 Jan 2023, 6:31 am by Howard Wasserman
Mary's), the second in a series about his new book, The Lawyer's Conscience A History of American Lawyer Ethics (University of Kansas Press). [read post]
23 Dec 2022, 4:46 am by Ryan Goodman
“I’m from a part of the country where people justify the actions of slavery, the Klu Klux Klan, and lynching,” Rep. [read post]
30 Oct 2022, 10:01 am by jonathanturley
Here is my annual list of Halloween torts and crimes. [read post]
23 Oct 2022, 6:43 pm
Richard and Mary Eshelman Faculty Scholar; Professor of Law and International Affairs Pennsylvania State University 239 Lewis Katz Building, University Park, PA 16802    1.814.863.3640 (direct) ||   Abstract: Social credit can be understood as the building blocks for a legality based on the quantification of objectives and expectations that target people, groups, activity, and their interactions in all spheres of human collective organization. [read post]
30 Sep 2022, 4:37 pm by Amy Howe and Mark Walsh
Bush, and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who served under President Barack Obama. [read post]
This post comes to us from Ana Albuquerque, an associate professor of accounting at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business; Mary Ellen Carter, an associate professor of accounting and EY Faculty Fellow at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management; Zhe (Michael) Guo, a PhD student at Boston University; and Luann Lynch, the Almand R. [read post]
17 Jun 2022, 6:41 am by Keches Law
Keches Room at Suffolk University Law SchoolGeorge Keches poses with Keches Law Group attorneysCongressman Stephen Lynch, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and George KechesSuffolk President Emeritus David Sargent and George KechesKeches Law Group Managing Partner Sean Flaherty, Congressman Stephen Lynch, and George KechesGeorge Keches, Ann Marie Maguire Keches, and family Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Geroge Keches, Ann Marie Maguire Keches, Dean of Suffolk… [read post]
6 May 2022, 9:21 am by Eugene Volokh
Thus, this statute did not provide Baby Mary Doe with any "legally cognizable" claim. [read post]
13 May 2021, 4:30 am by Tom Kosakowski
I will also be relying on experience gained in my career as a psychotherapist and fourteen years as an Organizational Ombuds.Ombudsing and COVID: Contemporary Challenges and Future Opportunities, Wednesday, June 9th, 1pm - 4:15pm EDT with Jennifer Schneider, University of South Florida; Mary Rowe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Timothy Hedeen, Kennesaw State UniversityThe pandemic has presented a range of challenges for ombuds and their host organizations. [read post]
15 Feb 2021, 4:45 am by Tom Kosakowski
Mary McNaughton-Cassill, Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at San AntonioA5: Built to Last: Creating Robust and Durable Ombuds Programs, David Michael, Senior Program Advisor, National Institutes of Health; Ellen Goldstein, Director & Ombuds, University of California, San Francisco; Ronnie Thomson, Independent ConsultantConcurrent Sessions: Block B B1: What Would a New Ombuds Do? [read post]
12 Feb 2021, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
Larson, University of California, Davis School of Law.Here is the wrap-up post for the Balkinization symposium on Mary Ziegler's Abortion and the Law in America. [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 7:15 am by Chuck Finder
Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics in Arts & Sciences. [read post]
15 Jan 2021, 9:30 pm by ernst
On Monday, March 8, 2021, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, former LHB Guest Blogger Thomas McSweeney, William and Mary Law School, will discuss his book Priests of the Law: Roman Law and the Making of the Common Law's First Professionals (Oxford University Press, 2020) with Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Harvard Law School. [read post]