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6 Aug 2012, 1:02 pm by Mike Scarcella
A lawyer for Ali, Matthew Peed of Washington's Clinton & Peed, said in court papers last week in the D.C. [read post]
11 Jan 2016, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Steps Businesses Must Take to Prevent Open Carry by Employees and Customers – Dallas lawyer Marcus Brown of Winstead on the firm’s People Business Blog Case Example of Quick Peek Type of Production Without Full Manual Review – Orlando lawyer Ralph Losey of Jackson Lewis on the firm’s blog, E-Discovery Law Today The First Mistake was Calling it a Science – Corporate investigator Philip Segal of Charles Griffin Intelligence on their… [read post]
10 Feb 2016, 9:00 am
” As ACLU of Massachusetts legal director Matthew Segal said after reading it, the First Circuit ruling will help counter a dangerous trend which gives law enforcement agencies far too much leeway to violate civil rights and liberties. [read post]
13 Sep 2014, 8:43 am by Alfred Brophy
Segal Professor of American Social Thought and Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania​​​ This will be a fabulous conference -- I'm going to be at Savannah Law School for another terrific conference on progressive property that day (more on this very shortly), so I unfortunately won't be able to attend. [read post]
25 Nov 2016, 10:52 am by Daniel Cappetta
Matthew Segal, legal director for the ACLU of Massachusetts, argued that “What has happened since the exposure of Dookhan’s misconduct is a failure to deliver justice,” noting that it took four years for the DA offices to produce a list of those defendants affected. [read post]
25 Nov 2016, 10:52 am by Daniel Cappetta
Matthew Segal, legal director for the ACLU of Massachusetts, argued that “What has happened since the exposure of Dookhan’s misconduct is a failure to deliver justice,” noting that it took four years for the DA offices to produce a list of those defendants affected. [read post]
15 Nov 2016, 7:34 am by Altman & Altman
“We think vacating these convictions is required to protect the rights of people who have already served their sentences and are living every day with the collateral consequences of those decisions,” said Matthew Segal, the ACLU’s legal director. [read post]
1 Dec 2017, 4:08 am by Edith Roberts
At Slate, Eric Segall explains why, as the Supreme Court prepares to consider Masterpiece Cakeshop v. [read post]
13 Feb 2009, 10:12 am
Pestaina Vice President National Health Compliance SEGAL 1920 N Street, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20036 [] IRS - Anne Meyer Snell and Wilmer One Arizona Center Phoenix, AZ 85004 [] PBGC - Harold J. [read post]
15 Nov 2016, 7:34 am by Altman & Altman
“We think vacating these convictions is required to protect the rights of people who have already served their sentences and are living every day with the collateral consequences of those decisions,” said Matthew Segal, the ACLU’s legal director. [read post]
10 Oct 2008, 8:36 pm
Also included are legislative summaries prepared by CSC Publishing's Senior Legal Advisors and Delaware business entity law authorities Robert Symonds and Matthew O'Toole. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 11:15 am by David Lat
– Professor Noah Feldman, in an interesting and provocative Bloomberg opinion piece (via Overlawyered), responding in part to David Segal’s latest New York Times piece criticizing legal education. [read post]
12 Jun 2009, 3:13 pm
• Perry Segal wants you to know about his blog, E-Discovery Insights, which covers EDD from a California lawyer's perspective. [read post]
1 Mar 2025, 6:00 am by sherrycoffman
Segal, The Codex of the Endangered Species Act, Volume II, The Next Fifty Years (2024). [read post]
4 Apr 2011, 4:40 pm by David Lat
It was summarized quite succinctly in this recent office-wide email by Rob Mitchell, K&L Gates’s administrative partner for the Pacific Northwest: From: Robert Mitchell To: SE ALL Subject: Transitions Gerry Johnson, Stacey Crawshaw-Lewis, Deanna Gregory, Paul Lawrence, Faith Pettis, and Matt Segal have announced their resignations from our firm. [read post]
8 Aug 2011, 7:21 am
Front row (l to r): Heather Segal of Guberman Garson in Toronto, Marjorie O'Connell of Washington, D.C., Rebecca Pontikes of Boston, Mass, and Andrea Carlisle, of Oakland, Calif. [read post]
Matthew Segal, co-founder and president of OUR TIME, discussed the negative impact of voter ID and registration laws on voting access and participation among students and young people. [read post]
6 Dec 2008, 1:15 pm
  Judicial Behavior ,   Jeffrey Segal   2. [read post]