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21 Nov 2006, 11:18 am
" Read the rest of this important article for advice from three lawyers -- Michael Arkfeld, Craig Ball, & J. [read post]
3 Mar 2008, 7:47 pm
.)* Speaking of WAY kewl, check out this amazing animation by Alan Becker that Michael Kraft (Kraft Kennedy) found. [read post]
14 Jul 2010, 9:36 am by litigationtech
Here are a few case citations – the first two from the above-mentioned reference and the third shared by Cheryl Evans and Michael Arkfeld, regarding exemplification as explained by the Seventh Circuit: “… as permitting an award of the reasonable expense of preparing maps, charts, graphs, photographs, motion pictures, photostats, and kindred materials,” including graphics services and multi-media evidence display systems. -- Cefalu v. [read post]
28 Nov 2012, 4:44 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Arkfeld) Coping With eDiscovery: Practical Tips From An Experienced Litigator - (Christopher Cox) Escape From Babel: The Grossman-Cormack Glossary - (Ralph Losey) Ex-Employee is Not Required to Produce iPhone in Discovery - (Jeff Kosseff) Expert Witness: Chief Judge James Holderman Discusses eDiscovery Pilot Program… [read post]
23 Nov 2010, 9:40 am (Michael Arkfeld) The Ethics of Social Media – Part II: Playing by New Rules - (James Hyatt) The New EU Cookie Rule – So, We Need to get Consent Then? [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 5:54 am by Rob Robinson (Cat Casey) Judge Peck Issues Opinion on Computer-Assisted Review - (Monica Bay) Judge Orders Twitter User’s Identity Revealed In Bachmann Threat Investigation - (Mike Scarcella) Judge Peck’s Predictive Coding Game-Changer – (Craig Carpenter) LegalTech New York 2012 – A New Zealand Perspective - (Andrew King) New York State Reaffirms Influence of Zubulake… [read post]
23 Nov 2011, 4:41 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Schmidt) Extended Access to Cell-Site Records Constitutes 4th Amendment Search, Which Requires Probable Cause - (Gibbons) For GCs, a Little Talk Goes a Long Way in Risk Management - (David Hechler) Georgetown Law Conference Draws Top eDiscovery Jurists - (Monica Bay) Georgetown eDiscovery Conference Opens With Case Law Update - (Monica Bay) Georgetown… [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 4:44 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Kramer) Google Docs Adds Drag-and-Drop Uploads - (Chelsi Nakano) Google Earth Pushes Boundaries Between Real and Virtual - (Nick Bilton) IFRS, XBRL Are Not Priorities for Finance Execs - (Lora Bentley) IPad Printing - Ready For Prime Time? [read post]
10 Aug 2011, 6:33 am by Rob Robinson
Department of Homeland Security) Technology and Tactics Adobe Acrobat Search Defect - (Michael Arkfeld) Amazon’s New(ish) Social Network — Now Lifting Even More Info From Facebook, Twitter - (TIm Carmody) Apple OS X Vulnerability: Advanced Persistent Attacks - (Mathew Schwartz) At a Hacker Conference, Plenty of Friendly Feds - (Somini Sengupta) Backing Up… [read post]
27 Apr 2007, 9:27 am
Electronic Evidence and Discovery:   What Every Lawyer Should Know (ABA) Electronic Evidence:   Law and Practice (ABA) Blogs: Electronic Discovery & Evidence from Michael Arkfeld,      Electronic Discovery Law: Preston, Gates & Ellis,        … [read post]
3 Aug 2009, 11:36 am by Christopher Spizzirri
 Michael Arkfeld's eLaw Exchange provides the following concise summary: At trial, Sisson filed a motion to suppress evidence collected at his home pursuant to warrant on four grounds: 1) the evidence was stale 2) the probable cause information was insufficient because the affidavit did not show that “emails sent by an internet ‘screen name’ linked to” Sisson were actually sent by him, nor did it demonstrate reliability of sources 3) ”police… [read post]
16 Feb 2020, 4:00 pm by Michael Beumer
  eDiscovery Data Filtering In Three Parts According to Michael Arkfeld, approximately 80 to 98 percent of initial data collected in response to an eDiscovery request will be eliminated as non-responsive. [read post]
29 Dec 2007, 8:59 am
Michael Arkfeld, author of the treatise, Electronic Discovery and Evidence, uses this blog to report updates in the law of e-discovery, although his postings are infrequent.Electronic Discovery Blog. [read post]
11 May 2011, 5:30 am by Rob Robinson (Ben Kerschberg) Anti-Spam Law Governs Social Media Pages, Court Rules – (Eric Sinrod) Cost-Shifting eDiscovery and Third-Parties – (Josh Gilliland) Court Declines to Hold that Lack of Written Litigation Hold Allows Presumption that Relevant Evidence was Lost or Destroyed - (K&L Gates) Court Finds Ineffective Assistance of Counsel for Failing to Object to Admission of Email -… [read post]
9 May 2012, 6:17 am by Rob Robinson (Erica Birg) eDiscovery Data Subject To Export Control Laws - (Jayne Rothman) eDiscovery in SharePoint - (Chris Riley) eDiscovery Resource – Michael Arkfeld - (Amy Bowser-Rollins) eDiscovery Trends: Deidre Paknad on CGOC Information Lifecycle Governance Leader Reference Guide (Doug Austin) Email Authentication Standards in New Hampshire… [read post]
11 Apr 2012, 4:56 am by Rob Robinson
Natural Language Processing Makes a Difference in Content Analytics – (Johannes Scholtes) Ball in Arkfeld’s Court: Notes on Forensics – (Michael Roach) Company’s Inadequate Preservation and Collection Efforts Require Company to Shoulder Costs of Forensic Analysis of Computers and Mirror-Imaging of Hard Drives – (Kathy Trawinski) Computer Assisted Review: Technology to Help Navigate the Murky Waters of… [read post]
25 Jan 2012, 3:26 am by Rob Robinson (Simon Robinson) eDiscovery is Just Discovery - (Howard Sklar) Failure to Produce Originals Could be Spoliation in Third Circuit | Electronic Discovery Law - (K&L Gates) Federal Judge in Denver Rules Suspect Must Unlock Her Computer - (John Ingold) Justices Say GPS Tracker Violated Privacy Rights - (Michael Arkfeld) If the ‘Cloud’ is not Safe Enough for Los Angeles, is it Safe Enough for You? [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 9:14 am by Rob Robinson
Exec That Carries Major Privilege Implications - (Sue Reisinger) eDiscovery Hits the Mainstream - (Roland Bernier) Electronic Discovery Sampling is a Natural Next Step - (Venkat Rangan) "Fox Guarding the Hen House" - Key Employee Failed to Search For Relevant and Critical ESI - Court Orders Civil Contempt Sanctions and Disclosure in Other Lawsuits or Face $500,000 Sanction -… [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 5:29 am by Rob Robinson
Design Patents Have Come - (Lisa Shuchman) iWin: Apple Defeats Samsung in Key Pre-Trial Motion - (Michael Pontrelli) Fighting Over Rectangles: Why Apple Can't Win The Patent War - (Skylar Greene) Apple, Samsung, Dance the Courtroom Jig - Lucy Koh Hears Evidence on the Origin of the Oblong - (Tamlin Magee) In Apple-Samsung trial, it's John Quinn v. [read post]
18 Apr 2012, 4:59 am by Rob Robinson
Compiled from online public domain resources, provided for your review/use is this week's update of key industry news, views, and events highlighting key electronic discovery related stories, developments, and announcements. [read post]