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To support its first argument, Gerber pointed to a case from the Ninth Circuit, Rea Michael Stores, Inc., 742 F.3d 1234 (9th Cir. 2014), where the court stated that when the basis for removal is CAFA’s original jurisdiction, successive removals on the same grounds are not necessarily prohibited. [read post]
31 Jul 2009, 8:00 pm
Discover more with Tynt’s tracer tool (Creative Commons)     Global - Trade Marks /Domain Names   Use of ‘’ domain names for criticism sites (IPKat)   Global - Patents Qualcomm’s woes – patent licensing and standards (IP finance)   Canada Nortel bankruptcy, sale of patents to Ericsson (IP finance) (IAM) Tracking the copyright consultation submissions – brief summaries (20, 21 July)… [read post]
19 May 2016, 11:11 am by Alan J. Borsuk
Ford II Professor of Social Sciences at Harvard University, delivered the Robert F. [read post]
15 Mar 2018, 6:35 am by Danielle & Andy
  Names like Michael Epps, Nick Cannon, and even Oprah Winfrey have been attached to the project. [read post]
14 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Amy Starnes
Briner, Dallas Patricia Lynne Brown, Round Rock Scott Michael Brown, Angleton Jacqueline Diane Cannon, Denton Ivan Matthew Friedman, San Marcos Faye Gordon, Angleton Blaise M. [read post]
14 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Amy Starnes
Briner, Dallas Patricia Lynne Brown, Round Rock Scott Michael Brown, Angleton Jacqueline Diane Cannon, Denton Ivan Matthew Friedman, San Marcos Faye Gordon, Angleton Blaise M. [read post]
12 Jun 2015, 6:51 am by Amy Howe
In a series of posts at Cato at Liberty, Michael Cannon argues that the president is “correct” that the case “is not about the Affordable Care Act. [read post]
16 Aug 2014, 12:15 pm by Guest Blogger
Greve’s challenge, publishing an article with the Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon that elaborated on the “defect” discovered by Christina. [read post]
25 Aug 2020, 9:01 pm by Sherry F. Colb
Her most recent book, Beating Hearts: Abortion and Animal Rights (co-authored with Michael C. [read post]
23 Jul 2007, 7:41 am
Crank, Attorney General; Michael L. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 5:45 pm by Mel O'Brien
A perusal of book publications, course syllabi, and popular discourse suggests a cannon of cases: the Armenian genocide, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Darfur, the Holocaust, and Rwanda. [read post]