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7 Oct 2007, 10:07 pm
Hofstra's Monroe Freedman announces the news. [read post]
23 Apr 2007, 9:19 am
Professor Monroe Freedman has sent in the beginning of a draft of an article that will also be the subject of a panel on the Lake Pleasant Buried Bodies Case at the upcoming PR conference in Chicago. [read post]
7 Oct 2007, 10:08 pm
Hofstra's Monroe Freedman announces the news (cross-posted from Point of Law; earlier coverage). [read post]
29 May 2009, 6:20 am
Monroe Freedman, Andy Perlman, and a slew of others participated at Mercer Law School's symposium on ethical issues in the digital age, and the transcript is available on line, here. [read post]
2 Jun 2011, 9:10 am by John Steele
   We're fortunate to have Steve as a co-blogger and I should also mention that co-blogger Monroe Freedman received the award as well. [read post]
7 Apr 2008, 8:44 pm
This is kind of cool: a brief in the new Duke lacrosse lawsuit cites Monroe Freedman's comment to a post on this blog. [read post]
16 Apr 2007, 12:46 pm
Professor Freedman sent me a note about an article draft that he has posted on SSRN. [read post]
31 Aug 2016, 3:04 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Here is the abstract: This Article, in Monroe Freedman’s memory, examines prosecutors' and criminal defense lawyers'... [read post]
21 Aug 2009, 5:42 am
UPDATE: The comments of Monroe Freedman (Hofstra) are worth... [read post]
15 Feb 2010, 7:34 am by John Steele
As many of you know, two of our contributors, Monroe Freedman and Steve Lubet, revisited the iconic figure of Atticus Finch. [read post]
7 Sep 2016, 8:57 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Here is the abstract: Among the many controversial positions for which Monroe Freedman advocated during his... [read post]
17 Jun 2008, 10:38 pm
Posted by Alan Childress Updating Nancy Rapoport's post on LPB here (and more at her personal blog), and the vital efforts of Monroe Freedman at LEF here, I just received an email from one of Charles Dean Hood's attorneys (Andrea... [read post]
7 Dec 2017, 6:16 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
In part: On April 6 and 7, 2017, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the Foundation for Criminal Justice, the Monroe Freedman Institute for the Study of Legal Ethics at Hofstra University's Maurice... [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 4:52 pm by Andrew Perlman
  The list of past winners reads like a legal ethics Hall of Fame and includes another co-blogger, Monroe Freedman. [read post]
26 Sep 2007, 1:14 pm
Writing at Legal Ethics Forum, Monroe Freedman of Hofstra attempts to fend off criticism of the invitation of disbarred felon and terrorist-enabler Lynne Stewart to address the university's annual legal ethics conference. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 2:47 pm by Andrew Perlman
  In a December post that I just saw Monroe Freedman considers it an objection to my argument (among many) that it implies that the lawyer should make the disclosure without telling the client. [read post]
21 May 2007, 2:01 pm
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE LAWYERING AT THE EDGE The 2007 Hofstra Legal Ethics Conference Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday October 14-16, 2007 Roy Simon, Conference Director Confirmed Faculty (to date) Keynote Address: Michael Tigar Raymond Brown James Campbell Angela Davis Eric Freedman Monroe Freedman Leon Friedman Stephen Gillers Glenda Grace Bruce Green Joel Hirschhorn Ronald Kuby Gerald Lefcourt Richard Mauro Kevin McMunigal Daniel Mori Andrew Perlman … [read post]
14 Jul 2008, 1:04 pm
  The article addresses a famous hypothetical by Monroe Freedman and is the product of a lecture that Professor Zacharias gave at Case Western University Law School last year. [read post]
27 Apr 2007, 10:53 am
In conducting some research in Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England (1857), Professor Monroe Freedman came across a fascinating exchange involving Lord Erskine's defiance of the court. [read post]
8 Oct 2008, 10:44 am
For further information, contact professor Patrick Longan at (478) 301-2639 or longan_p [at sign] The Keynote speech will be by our own Professor Monroe Freedman. [read post]