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8 Aug 2014, 8:06 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Here: NARF Alaska – Job Announcement – Office Manager Litigation Paralegal [read post]
12 May 2017, 11:22 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
  In this capacity, NARF encounters a wide variety of problems faced by American Indian and Alaska Native voters. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 8:36 am by Native American Rights Fund
Thank You 2010 NARF Summer Law ClerksEach summer NARF hosts the summer clerkship program, a ten to twelve week program for second year law students. [read post]
10 May 2012, 1:52 pm by Indian Legal Program
Tribal Law Updates, May 8, 2012 Yesterday the  Native American Rights Fund (NARF) joined with 28 other national organizations to call for an immediate end to the persistent and destructive obstruction of judicial nominees in the United States Senate. [read post]
26 Nov 2012, 3:48 pm by NativeAmerican LawBlogger
"The Native American Rights fund (NARF) is pleased to announce an immediate opening for: Staff Attorney – Sacred Places Project, Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative and Boarding School Healing Coalition. [read post]
18 May 2017, 7:50 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Here: Protection of Traditional Cultural Resources – Working Draft of NARF From NCAI: Dear Leaders: This is an important time for protection of tribal cultural resources. [read post]
4 Dec 2017, 4:29 pm by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Read more about NARF’s work to protect Bears Ears National Monument. [read post]
5 Aug 2013, 8:31 am by Matthew Campbell
NARF is currently seeking candidates for its Summer 2014 Clerkships. [read post]
27 Aug 2009, 11:58 am by David
Under this alliance, NARF and West will work to improve access to Native American tribal law available through NARF's National Indian Law Library (NILL) and Westlaw, West's premier online legal research service. [read post]
19 May 2015, 9:02 am by Victoria Sweet
The NARF Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative held a training in Catoosa, Oklahoma on October 6-7, 2014. [read post]
16 Aug 2016, 8:41 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Here is the press release the State of Alaska Department of Law: DoL Press Release – AG Not Appealing Lands Into Trust Case 081516 Here is the press release from NARF: 08 15 16 NARF Press Release RE Akiachak Legal materials here. [read post]
16 May 2012, 5:20 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
My co-panelists, Melody McCoy of NARF and Daniel Rey-Bear of the Nordhaus Law Firm, have submitted their prepared statements for tomorrow’s hearing: NARF Testimony 05_17_12 2012-05-15 SCIA DRB trust oversight testimony [read post]
4 Jan 2018, 3:35 pm by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
NARF Staff Attorney Natalie Landreth promises, “NARF will be closely following the DHS work on ‘voter fraud,’ which inevitably will turn into recommendations for voter suppression. [read post]
20 Feb 2013, 10:01 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Here (thanks to NARF/NILL): Opening Brief for Petitioners Adoptive Couple Opening Brief for Respondent GAL Supporting Reversal [read post]