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by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics [Lea Brilmayer is the Howard M. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics [Marko Milanovic is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Nottingham School of Law.] [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 1 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium Lucy Yeatman is a lecturer in law at the University of Greenwich, teaching Family Law and Human Rights Law. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics [Vasuki Nesiah is an Associate Professor of Practice at NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study.] [read post]
9 Sep 2024, 7:00 am by Unknown
(Quaker United Nations Office, 2024) [text via Refworld]Migrant Protection Categories in International Law & Practice (Tufts Univ., Oct. 2023) [text]Journal articles & book chapters:"Deportation as Torture," NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (Forthcoming) [preprint]"Deterrence as Legal Innovation: Management of Unwanted: Mobilities and the Future of Refugee Protection," Chapter in… [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 2 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   John Tobin is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School where he teaches and researches in the area of human rights. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 3 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   Rt. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 2 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   Bojana Asanovic is a barrister at Lamb Building, Chambers of Ami Feder in London. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 1 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium Victoria Neilson is the Legal Director of Immigration Equality and an adjunct professor at New York University School of Law. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics [David Gartner is an Associate Professor of Law at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University.] [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 1 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   Connie Oxford is Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the State University of New York, Plattsburgh. [read post]
13 Dec 2021, 2:56 pm by Steve Lubet
” Given that the RLSC’s adoption of the BDS/PACBI academic boycott of Israel puts it in non-compliance with NYU policy, we urge NYU and the NYU School of Law to take immediate measures to dissociate from the journal. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 3 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   S. [read post]
9 Oct 2018, 10:05 pm by Anthony Gaughan
He has published articles in Constitutional Commentary, The Michigan Law Review, The Michigan Journal of Race and Law, The Georgetown Law Journal, The Journal of Politics, The California Law Review, The North Carolina Law Review, and others. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 3 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   Sabine Jansen is a lawyer and co-author of the research report Fleeing Homophobia, Asylum Claims Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe, COC Netherlands/VU University Amsterdam, September 2011. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Panel 2 of the NYU JILP Vol. 44:2 Online Symposium   Dr. [read post]
by NYU Journal of International Law and Politics [Ming-Sung Kuo is an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick Law School. [read post]