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30 Jan 2009, 8:15 am
Representing the United States as amicus curiae, Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole A. [read post]
27 Apr 2011, 7:03 am
Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole A. [read post]
4 Nov 2015, 1:22 pm
The second surprise was for Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky, arguing on behalf of the federal government. [read post]
12 Nov 2009, 8:27 am
Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky, arguing on behalf of the United States in support of Kucana, reiterated that Congress’s enumeration of those executive decisions not subject to judicial review â€" coupled with its silence with regard to motions to reopen â€" clearly demonstrated its intent to maintain courts’ jurisdiction. [read post]
14 Mar 2008, 9:13 pm
There are some well-known and some less-publicized highlights, including Heller, the Second Amendment case; Munaf/Omar, dealing with the very important question of the habeas rights of U.S. citizens detained in Iraq; Attorney General Mukasey’s first argument, 30 minutes for the petitioner in Ressam (on Tuesday, March 25th); and the first oral arguments before the Court for three new Assistants to the SG (Anthony Yang, Nicole Saharsky, and William Jay). [read post]
30 Oct 2011, 5:06 am
Saharsky, an assistant to the U.S. [read post]
13 Jan 2016, 1:24 pm
Nicole A. [read post]
3 Nov 2011, 3:45 am
” Exactly, except Nicole Saharsky isn't arguing against the admission of unreliable evidence, but for it. [read post]
16 Jan 2015, 4:43 am
Chief Justice John Roberts asked this question of Assistant Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky during oral argument earlier this week in Mach Mining v. [read post]
23 Apr 2009, 2:41 pm
Next, Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky argued briefly as an amicus curiae supporting the respondents on behalf of the United States. [read post]
30 Apr 2012, 8:20 am
Advocate No. of Args Current Position Patricia Millett 31 Akin Gump Lisa Blatt 30 Arnold & Porter Beth Brinkmann 24 DOJ Maureen Mahoney 21 Latham & Watkins Barbara Underwood 20 SG of NY Nicole Saharsky 14 Assistant to the SG Deanne Maynard 13 Morrison & Foerster Leondra Kruger 12 Assistant to the SG Nina Pillard 8 Georgetown Law Center Pamela Karlan 7 Stanford Law School Kathleen Sullivan 7 Quinn Emmanuel Notably, Barbara McDowell, who passed… [read post]
17 Apr 2008, 1:33 pm
The unanimous affirmance was not unexpected in light of that fact that Nicole Saharsky, the Assistant to the Solicitor General who argued the case on behalf of the federal government, faced so few questions from the Justices that she used only seven of her allotted thirty minutes at oral argument. [read post]
2 Nov 2011, 10:17 am
The federal government’s lawyer, Nicole A. [read post]
23 Mar 2017, 8:24 am
Nicole Saharsky then argued for the solicitor general in support of the county, and she focused her remarks more generally on the 9th Circuit’s provocation doctrine. [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 1:38 am
Argument on Behalf of the United States as Amicus Curiae Nicole A. [read post]
16 Oct 2013, 3:55 pm
Thus, Alito later asked Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky, who argued on behalf of the federal government in support of Kansas, whether the real question is in fact whether Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 12.2 – which had authorized Cheever’s psychiatric exam when he was awaiting trial on other federal criminal charges – is constitutional. [read post]
25 Apr 2017, 11:27 am
He was followed by Nicole Saharsky, the assistant to the U.S. solicitor general representing the federal government, which filed a brief supporting BNSF. [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 7:45 am
Appearing for the United States, Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky took up the issue of SOX’s limits and suggested that the concern about expanding the statute to cover gardeners or other domestic employees was misplaced, since such employees would be extremely unlikely to cover the kind of securities fraud that makes an employee’s whistleblowing “protected activity” under SOX. [read post]
12 Oct 2011, 9:10 am
Nicole A. [read post]
3 Mar 2010, 3:02 pm
Arguing on behalf of the United States as an amicus supporting Michigan, Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky emphasized that Miranda requires only that a suspect’s decision to talk to police be “knowing, intelligent, and voluntary. [read post]