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15 Apr 2010, 2:19 pm by Jim Harper
Natural Resources Defense Council, 467 U.S. 837. [read post]
11 Jan 2016, 9:50 am
He has served on a number of Judicial Council advisory bodies and as a faculty member for the Supervising Judges Institute and the Presiding Judges and Court Executive Officers Court Management Program.Judge Slough would fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Betty A. [read post]
15 Jul 2010, 8:15 am by Kent Scheidegger
CJ Ronald George, here are some ideas for the next CJ (as well as the Associate Justices and the Judicial Council) to consider regarding fixing California's death penalty.First, they can simply stop allowing the defense bar to drag out the record certification process and the briefing of capital appeals. [read post]
Those dangers—both to individuals in the justice system and to the rule of law—always demand our condemnation.But that condemnation cannot give the Chief Justice a free pass to gaslight the country by ignoring the hypocrisy in his Court’s opinions and avoiding responsibility for his own failure to enforce any ethical standards. [read post]
30 Aug 2008, 7:49 pm
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has appointed one justice to the Alaska Supreme Court: Daniel Winfree. [read post]
10 Jun 2009, 8:18 am
In all honesty, I cannot help but think of how many innocent people we have imprisoned or executed over many generations.Finally, coming ome to Texas, the Dallas Examiner carries the OpEd, "Human Rights and The Texas Criminal Justice System," by Alvin Alleyne.This June 2009 is the 11th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. [read post]
6 Sep 2010, 7:18 pm by Franco Tarulli
The Governor in Council means the Governor General and cabinet. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 8:13 am by Ronald Collins
Likewise, the final tally does not include collections of Supreme Court opinions by a Justice – for example, Dispassionate Justice: A Synthesis of the Judicial Opinions of Robert H. [read post]
24 Oct 2007, 9:27 am
Review of the Attorney General Opinion and Standing Order. [read post]
3 Feb 2012, 1:49 pm by Lori Howell
Opinion: Police need better access to juvenile records Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel: Rep. [read post]
24 May 2024, 6:40 pm by Adil Ahmad Haque
In my view, this stark finding demands immediate action from the international community, including from the United Nations Security Council. [read post]
28 Jul 2014, 1:57 pm by Matthew A. Reed
  Governor Jerry Brown has nominated Stanford law professor Mariano-Florentino Cuellar to fill the most recent vacancy on the California Supreme Court created by the impending retirement of Justice Marvin Baxter. [read post]
9 May 2014, 3:15 am by Amy Howe
Galloway, upholding a New York town’s practice of beginning its town council meetings with a prayer, continues to generate commentary. [read post]
24 Feb 2012, 11:56 am by Lori Howell
California Governor Jerry Brown’s plan to end juvenile justice division faces fight San Francisco Chronicle: A group of criminal justice leaders are preparing to fight a plan by Gov. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
AFSCME Council 31, the Supreme Court ruled in an opinion by Justice Samuel Alito that the practice of requiring public employees to pay “agency fees” to unions to engage in collective bargaining, including the pursuit of demands concerning workplace policy that may be antithetical to the worker’s own views, is a violation of the First Amendment’s restrictions on compelled speech. [read post]
9 Aug 2018, 4:00 am by Administrator
It was at this time that Justice Kerwin sentenced both accused to hang. [read post]
1 Sep 2010, 9:34 pm by M Bates
In some instances, this will be the Law Society; in others, the Judicial Council, the police department, the police commission or the media. [read post]
17 Feb 2016, 12:53 pm by Rich Vetstein
Plus, she was picked by Republican Governor Baker, who is has been doing a good job with judicial appointments, in my opinion. [read post]
24 Mar 2018, 12:12 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
They're citing New York examples, but it's by no means only a New York problem.Texas should act to improve criminal-justice dataNow that we have a different governor, isn't it time for Texas to consider the re-creation of the Criminal Justice Policy Council or something similar? [read post]
21 Apr 2013, 11:37 am by Gritsforbreakfast
SB 462 by Huffman would create "a new Subtitle K within the Government Code where all relevant specialty court provisions can be easily located; improves oversight of specialty court programs by requiring them to register with the criminal justice division of the Office of the Governor and follow programmatic best practices in order to be eligible to receive state and federal grant funds; and changes the composition of the Governor's Specialty Courts Advisory… [read post]