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6 Aug 2009, 10:55 am
“And a special thank you to my law clerks Josh, Monica, John, Sinead, Basheer, Juliet, Ben, Ryan, Patrick, Stephen, Michelle, Reagan, Andrea, Molly, Aaron, Gavin, Megan, Neda, Ashley, Leah, Jenn, Josh, Julian and Whit, for the knowledge and fun we have shared, and the camaraderie I know will continue beyond the bench. [read post]
24 Mar 2008, 1:01 pm
” News of the endorsement quickly ricocheted around the blogosphere, eliciting moans from conservative legal bloggers like L.A. lawyer Patrick Frey, who writes the Patterico’s Pontifications blog. [read post]
20 Jan 2012, 4:14 pm by Eugene Volokh
I express no opinion on whether such views are right or wrong, either with regard to North and Poindexter or with regard to Patrick J. [read post]
15 Mar 2007, 6:45 am
Moderator: Ellen Podgor, Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Distance Education and Professor, Stetson University College of Law Patrick Gnazzo, Chief Compliance Officer, Computer Associates International, Inc. [read post]
16 Dec 2011, 10:11 am by jarogeti
“At a time when judges on that circuit are being called upon to handle double the caseload of the other Federal circuit courts, the Senate should have expedited the consideration of Justice Christen’s nomination, not needlessly slowed it down,” said Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) before the vote. [read post]
13 Dec 2021, 7:54 am by Katherine Simone
For any questions regarding homeowners associations, please contact DBL Law attorneys Justin Knappick ( or Patrick Reagan ( [read post]
13 Dec 2021, 7:56 am by Katherine Simone
  For any questions regarding condo associations, please contact DBL Law attorneys Justin Knappick ( or Patrick Reagan ( [read post]
19 Jan 2017, 2:29 pm
Bush in DC when he was Ronald Wilson Reagan's vice president. [read post]
1 Dec 2018, 5:34 am
Bush in DC when he was Ronald Wilson Reagan's vice president. [read post]
15 Nov 2018, 8:01 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
Zycher offers a final rejoinder here, where he also responds to reply essays by Patrick Allitt, and William Dennis. [read post]
20 Dec 2021, 10:59 am by Aamra Ahmad
Thirty-five years ago today, while the country was still reeling from the tragic death of Len Bias — a University of Maryland basketball star who, just days after being drafted by the Boston Celtics, died from a drug overdose — Congress passed and President Reagan signed into law the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. . [read post]
20 Dec 2021, 10:59 am by Aamra Ahmad
Thirty-five years ago today, while the country was still reeling from the tragic death of Len Bias — a University of Maryland basketball star who, just days after being drafted by the Boston Celtics, died from a drug overdose — Congress passed and President Reagan signed into law the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. . [read post]
Congress and the president must also reform Executive Order 12333, the Reagan-era measure that governs the collection of intelligence overseas. [read post]
16 Dec 2013, 4:49 pm by Parker Higgins
He also details Ronald Reagan's work as an informant for the FBI and how the agency reciprocated by furthering his political career. [read post]
7 Jun 2022, 4:30 am by Karen Tani
Robert Baker, Georgia State UniversityJane Manners, Temple UniversityJulian Mortenson, University of MichiganJoshua Sellers, Arizona State Law SchoolDEBATES OVER THE REGULATORY STATEModerator: Daniel Rowe, Oxford UniversityPanelists: Patrick Andelic, Northumbria University, “Smoke-Free Rooms: The Waxman Committee and the Congressional Campaign against Big Tobacco”Jeff Berryhill, Rutgers University, “Condoms, Clean Needles, and Crisis: Conflict over HIV/AIDS Prevention… [read post]
6 Aug 2012, 12:00 pm by David Kravets
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) proposed similar legislation last year, and it never even got a hearing in the committee he chairs. [read post]