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23 Jan 2024, 3:59 am
• The Cambridge Handbook of Investment-Driven Intellectual Property, by Enrico Bonadio and Patrick Goold. [read post]
2 Apr 2015, 6:59 pm
" In the same thread, Patrick Goold thinks we should distinguish between the IP "faithful" who "starts from the conclusion that IP rights are right or good and looks for reasons to support that" and the IP "philosopher" who "asks whether any norm justifies the conclusion that we ought to have IP rights. [read post]
29 Jan 2014, 8:53 am
Meanwhile, Prince has demonstrated his unerring talent for demonstrating the truth of the maxim "you only hurt the one you love", by suing his fans again: here's Patrick Goold's take on the 1709 Blog. [read post]
29 Apr 2024, 4:22 am
The conference is already fully booked, but you can find further information here.Book launch event - A Critical Introduction to Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials (11 June 2024)On 11 June 2024, a panel discussion will be hosted at City Law School to celebrate the forthcoming release of Patrick Goold's A Critical Introduction to Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials (Cambridge University Press).The topic of the panel's discussion will be… [read post]
4 Nov 2024, 8:35 am
Patrick Goold takes a particularly strong stance on the relevance of NFT for IP rights (trade mark and copyright), further analyzing potential insights, problems, and solutions for these rights from an economic perspective.The epilogue by Andres Guadamuz materializes the impression that this author had on the topic of NFTs – their relevance (at least within intellectual property law) has been progressively decaying since its appearance around 2018. [read post]
1 Apr 2014, 3:16 pm
It has a large and international team of contributors: Glastonbury Festival's Ben Challis, IPKat bloggers Eleonora and Jeremy, John Enser (Olswang), Rebecca Giblin, Patrick Goold, Iona Silverman (Baker & McKenzie) and our man in Paris, Asim Singh. [read post]
30 Sep 2013, 7:57 pm
This team has recently been augmented by Berkeley-based Patrick Goold, which should help to provide more balanced US coverage. [read post]
5 Jan 2014, 4:01 pm
It has a large and international team of contributors: Glastonbury Festival's Ben Challis, IPKat bloggers Eleonora and Jeremy, John Enser (Olswang), Rebecca Giblin, Patrick Goold, Iona Silverman (Baker & McKenzie) and our man in Paris, Asim Singh. [read post]
20 Feb 2016, 10:56 am
Patrick Goold’s argument that copyright is really negligence, properly seen. [read post]
11 Mar 2016, 9:25 am
Goold Wendy J. [read post]
30 Sep 2014, 4:01 pm
Sundara Rajan, John Enser (Olswang), Patrick Goold, Iona Silverman (Baker & McKenzie) and our man in Paris, Asim Singh. [read post]
9 Feb 2015, 5:25 am
Patrick Goold, IP Law and the Bundle of Torts Patent infringement as a tort? [read post]
10 Mar 2017, 7:35 am
Patent law is more property like; Patrick Goold has been writing about how copyright is more tort-like. [read post]
1 Jul 2014, 12:35 am
Sundara Rajan, John Enser (Olswang), Rebecca Giblin, Patrick Goold, Iona Silverman (Baker & McKenzie) and our man in Paris, Asim Singh. [read post]
20 May 2018, 4:13 pm
On Tuesday 15 May 2018 the House of Lords voted to support amendments to the Data Protection Bill implementing Part Two of the Leveson Inquiry, namely 252 to 213 in favour of the proposals. [read post]
12 Aug 2022, 12:57 pm
Simon and Patrick Goold Refining © utilitarianism in the vein of John Stuart Mill so it wouldn’t be fit for swine. [read post]
25 Apr 2024, 12:17 pm
In contrast, Dr Patrick Goold has argued that the most plausible interpretation of the provisions is that the computer-generated works must be original to be protected, but that if computer-generated works are subject to an originality requirement, then 9(3) is meaningless and inherently contradictory. [read post]
11 Mar 2016, 7:55 am
Opening Remarks: Henry Smith—exploring the connections between private law and IP. [read post]
26 Sep 2015, 7:22 am
Lydia Loren – Fixation as Notice in Copyright Law 3 different roles: (1) protectability; (2) infringement—reproduction etc. require fixation; (3) preemption—no preemption for unfixed works. [read post]