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6 May 2010, 5:00 am by Ted Frank
[Paul Greenberg] Ed Whelan deconstructs Goodwin Liu's answers to Senate Judiciary Committee questions. [read post]
14 Feb 2011, 6:09 am by Cleveland Law Library
Local Attorney Paul Greenberger has filed a class action suit in the Ohio Supreme Court over Cleveland's red light cameras. [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 4:30 pm by Brian Baxter
In the latest big telecom sector deal since the December collapse of AT&T's bid for T-Mobile USA, Goodwin Procter, Greenberg Traurig, Paul Weiss, Simpson Thacher, and Snell & Wilmer are advising on SBA Communications' $1.09 billion cash-and-stock acquisition of 2,300 cell towers in the United States and Central America from private equity–owned Mobilitie. [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 7:35 am by Ted Frank
Greenberg, the son of Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Paul Greenberg, did a remarkable job of shining sunlight on AG Dustin McDaniel's practice of funneling cy pres awards to his personally preferred programs. [read post]
3 Jan 2015, 2:22 am by The Law Office of Philip D. Cave
So it is in this context that I mention Michael Greenberg’s, The Court-Martial of Paul Revere: A Son of Liberty and America’s Forgotten Military Disaster, published in late 2014. [read post]
21 Feb 2016, 9:16 am
Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Michael Corkery have done it again, with a horrific example of how nursing homes can neglect patients and then cover up their misdeeds with forced arbitration. [read post]
4 Oct 2011, 7:15 am by Daniel Shaviro
Today at 12:30 in Greenberg Lounge at NYU Law School, I will be participating in a panel discussion (with Deborah Schenk, Reuven Avi-Yonah, and Deborah Paul), of Reuven's recent co-authored paper, "The Case for Dividend Deduction. [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 1:24 pm by Kathryn Hughes
Today's issue of Answers to Questions contains these articles: Paul Billings, Review: RapidFax Fax-to-Email Service Roy Greenberg, Review: FileCenter Versus PaperPort Vusumzi Msi, Review: Worldox for Document Management Philip Franckel, How to Handle Credit Card Chargebacks on Earned Fees Stephen Seldin, Two Big Problems With Macs in Law Offices Don't miss this issue — or any future issues. [read post]
25 May 2013, 7:52 am by John H Curley
Arbitrator Paul Greenberg has overturned the demotion of two Oakland police officers arising out of their management of a SWAT response to the fatal shooting of two other officers. [read post]
7 Dec 2014, 9:15 pm by Walter Olson
Yes, that’s really what interim dean Robert Scott announced [Paul Mirengoff, Power Line]: In recognition of the traumatic effects these events [the non-indictments of officers in the Brown and Garner cases] have had on some of the members of our community, Dean Greenberg-Kobrin and Yadira Ramos-Herbert, Director, Academic Counseling, have arranged to have Dr. [read post]
27 Feb 2017, 3:03 am by Walter Olson
Judge Neil Gorsuch on securities litigation and related issues of agency deference [Paul Weiss attorneys at D & O Diary] New York attorney general’s office pursued Hank Greenberg for years, wound up settling for $9 million and this lousy t-shirt [WSJ editorial] Exit tax and FATCA: “America charges $2,350 to hand in your passport, a fee that is more than twenty times the average of other high-income countries. [read post]
15 Aug 2024, 7:00 am by Briskman Briskman Greenberg
“If you have been injured because of someone else’s carelessness (negligence), you have the right to pursue monetary compensation for your injury or loss and learn about the personal injury lawsuit process,” teen car accident attorney Paul Greenberg explained. [read post]
28 Jul 2010, 9:46 am by law shucks
Completely coincidentally, we came across Greenberg Traurig’s unfortunate result in a dispute between two piracy* websites on the same day we ran into another, much higher-profile and better-represented domain dispute. * As caveated in that post This one features Paul Weiss and Gibson Dunn. [read post]
19 Oct 2010, 11:20 am by law shucks
Last year, superlitigators David Boies of the eponymous Boies, Schiller and Flexner and Ted Wells of Paul Weiss faced off in a battle between AIG and its ousted former CEO, Hank Greenberg. [read post]
The petitioners in the complaint are New York gubernatorial candidate Paul Nichols, former New York State Senate Candidate Gary Greenberg, and the President of New York Young Republican Club Gavin Wax. [read post]