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23 Jul 2014, 4:00 am
Today’s case is Dimieri v. [read post]
14 Dec 2021, 5:29 am
So we summarize one case, Mayrink v. [read post]
2 Mar 2018, 7:18 am
That effort yielded 19 people. [read post]
14 Jan 2012, 5:37 am
Read more here: [read post]
17 Sep 2016, 10:01 am
The Supreme Court has spoken on this issue in the case of Frazier v. [read post]
18 Sep 2012, 5:00 am
Such was the case in the recent Apple v. [read post]
16 Nov 2018, 6:45 am
Appeal from the 229th Judicial District Court, Duval County, Texas, Trial Court No. [read post]
1 Aug 2008, 8:18 am
McCain loses straw poll in GOP bastion Duvall County, Florida: Obama wins Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce Hob Nob straw poll with 57%. [read post]
23 Dec 2007, 8:00 pm
: (IPEG),More on the implementation of the London Agreement and patent cost reduction in Europe: (Patent Baristas),ECJ rules that EU legislative obligations cannot be enforced in any Member State if that legislation has not been published in the Official Journal in the language of that Member State (Case C-161/06 OlomoucSkoma-Lux sro v Celni reditelstvi Olumouc): (IPKat),EPO fighting complex appl [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 10:36 am
Security company Mandiant published a report finding that the government of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) is sponsoring cyber-espionage to attack top U.S. companies. [read post]
9 Jun 2011, 8:45 am
An old, grizzly tough guy played by Robert Duvall gives this advice to a young boy. [read post]
20 Nov 2022, 9:55 am
Cockrum v. [read post]
1 Nov 2021, 8:52 am
Select 3 - To Be Is to Be Entangled 3 - To Be Is to Be Entangled pp 59-78 By Kirsten Anker PDF HTML Summary: This chapter engages with the contributions of Indigenous peoples in North America to a jurisprudence of entanglement, as expressed through historic treaties between colonists and Indigenous peoples. [read post]
13 May 2010, 1:40 pm
Duval, Jr. found the Corps could be held liable under the Federal Tort Claims Act for six n [read post]
7 Apr 2024, 9:19 am
My great thanks to the organizers, Antoine Duval, and Klaas Hendrik Eller.My task is to deliver remarks (online) to end the first day of the Spring Academy. [read post]
22 May 2007, 12:04 am
Florida Death Penalty and Politics Florida Death Penalty Inquiry Welcomed Florida death row UCI and Florida State Prison v execution chamber Florida death work Florida death-penalty system: In legal limbo? [read post]
26 Dec 2019, 9:05 pm
” Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, delivering the Democratic response, criticized President Trump for the government shutdown, calling it a “stunt” that “defied every tenet of fairness and abandoned not just our people, but our values. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 8:13 am
In December 1833, the American Monthly Review commented on a newly published book by Joseph Story. [read post]